Friday, 29 May 2020

Points 20200529

This morning one of our helpers was checking drippers on one of the pineapple beds and said he was quite afraid of the pointed leaves.  Looking at them I don’t think I had appreciated before just how pointed they are.  I wouldn’t want one anywhere near my eyes.

I like to think they are guarding the fruit which are coming right now.

Sewing 20200528

I had an idea for my hanging that didn’t work.  I was going to embroider all my physical activities onto small pieces of material and sew them onto the hanging.  But once I started trying to do it I realized that it wasn’t right for this piece.

So I found some different material, cut it up and embroidered that instead.  Which I was very pleased with.

Still life 20200527

This was what I saw this morning in the Pryog garden and it was still there this afternoon. Just wonderful how bits and pieces get left around the place. 

Its usually me who clears it all away, but this time I decided to use it as a bit of ‘art’ instead.

Cactus Flower 20200526

Looking at pictures for May last year to find yesterday’s picture I noted how last year I also used a picture of this beautiful cactus flowering. 

So although we have seen earth shattering changes, some things haven’t changed as nature carries on.

Monday, 25 May 2020

Birthday 20200523

Had a lovely Zoom birthday with my granddaughter in the UK  who was four years old.  This is the cake which was the same colours inside as outside.

Can't waste water 20200522

The new device for checking drippers works quite well but unfortunately wastes a lot of water.  Its not like the water goes anywhere useful as at the moment.  It is just watering the weeds by the side of the compost bins which will later have to be cut.

Back to the drawing board I think.  Something a bit different is needed.

A new device 20200521

This is a device made by two people in Buddha Garden which is meant to make dripper checking easier and more efficient.  Problem I can see is that it makes another job as the dripper line has to be taken up, put on device and then put back again.  The other much bigger problem is that it wastes water. 

To check the drippers water has to flow through all the pipes and drippers while the checking is being done.  If its on the bed this water goes onto the bed and isn’t wasted.  If the pipe is on this device the water drips down onto weeds which then have to be cut with the petrol mower.  A rethink is needed.

Sewing 20200520

For the last two days I have been sewing this hanging.  I’ve been using up all my old clothes sewing onto a very old bed cover that I think originally I bought for one of my daughters.  Its something I am doing as part of a project to document how I felt doing this time of lockdown.

All the sewing is done by hand as I have no machine.  I find that it has a very calming effect on me.  Its also something good to do during these very hot afternoons.  It was 103F yesterday.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

A gift 20200519

It rained last night.  Not very much but enough to wet the soil and make the weeding a bit easier this morning.

A gift of water just when we need it.

Life now 20200518

I feel very grateful that I have work to do with growing food at this time.  It keeps me anchored to what really matters.

Nature carries on 20200517

I did some photography this morning as I needed extra images for the weekly video.  I came across this maize tasselling and loved how delicate it looked.

I love how nature just carries on regardless of all the worldly trauma around at the moment.

Cleaning and a dream 20200516

Found an ants nest in my cupboard today so had to clean that and this case which fortunately had not been invaded.

As I cleaned it I wondered when I will next use it and where I will go.  I would like to go to Bangkok.

Quiet day 20200515

I took this picture this morning of lemon grass in pots in the nursery.  For some reason I just love it.

A very quiet day.

Exasperated 20200514

I don’t feel I have done anything much today apart from some admin work.  At the moment I don’t have a project that needs my attention and I miss that.

After the very little rain we had about three days ago.  This picture is of the chicken spinach that has sprung up everywhere.  This time of year the plants quickly take advantage of whatever water comes their way.

New old skirt 20200513

Had a lot of energy to finish this skirt – so I did.  It’s the bottom of a long dress where the top part has worn though and gone into holes but the bottom part is fine.  I am very pleased with it.

A different kind of regeneration 20200512

I took this picture this morning because of what it showed of the cycle of decay.  Not twenty minutes after this melon peel had been discarded it was starting to be broken down by little flies for whom it was food.  It started so quickly.

We had thunder and clouds this morning, some strong breezes and it is overcast as I write this in the afternoon.  Will there be rain?  Its nice to be a bit cooler although the humidity gets quite high at times.

Regeneration 20200511

The leaves on the Bhodi tree remind me that life goes in cycles.  Regeneration will happen.  Green leaves will appear again. Life goes on.

Monday, 11 May 2020

Sunset glow 20200510

Finished off another project proposal as well as finishing the video and getting it uploaded.  I also finished off my shorts.  So a finishing kind of day.

I love being able to go for a cycle ride in the mornings. Because today we weren’t working I could cycle a bit further than usual.  This picture comes from my evening walk.  I love the sunset glow on the palmyra trees.

Doing 20200509

Seem to be filling up with a lot of ‘must do’ jobs mainly related to future projects.  Despite that I managed to do the above picture as well as almost finishing the weekly video.

Very hot.

A writing day 20200508

I did a lot of project writing today and don’t seem to have had much time for doing anything else.

While walking around the garden I came across this snake gourd that looked as if it was reaching out somehow.  Although I haven’t got the reaching out quality so much in the photo I love the way it seems to come from the light/sun.  as if it was reaching out to me.

New life 20200507

Our peepul tree has suddenly sprung into new life with beautiful fresh green leaves.

To me it symbolizes a new life and way of being arising from the corona virus emergency. 

Things turn up 20200506

Went out for another cycle ride, but not until the evening.  I got back feeling extremely hot.  Although it is cooler in the evening than in the afternoon, there is still the accumulation of the heat of the day to contend with.  A bit like riding through a hot fog.  I found it hard to go along a road with so many people driving along it.  I realize how much I have got used to being on my own for most of the time.

With a relaxation of the lockdown and more shops open more things are finding their way into Buddha Garden.  Some tough nylon rope to tie up papayas and bananas as well as some bits for the irrigation system.  I found myself getting quite excited again!

More walking and a cycle ride 20200505

I enjoyed another morning walk this morning amongst these date trees where unfortunately the dates cannot be eaten as they are a different variety of date to the ones you eat.  They looked so beautiful and productive amongst all the rubbish strewn around.

Went out for my first bike ride since the lockdown began in March and got very excited about it!!

Another, another day 20200504

It felt like a very quiet day today.  I’ve written and sewn and done yoga and went out for quite a long walk before work today.  That has made my legs feel a lot better. 

The large amount of rubbish strewn about the field where I walked was very distressing.  It was mostly plastic so will never completely disappear.

Monday, 4 May 2020

ANother day 20200503

I finished another face mask today – my fourth.  I do hope I have the chance to use it soon but we are still waiting for official directives about the lockdown.

Its getting very hot and its just as well I don’t have too much to do.  Because in this heat I don’t feel like doing anything very much at all.

Another day 20200502

Heard officially today that the lockdown will last at least another two weeks with all public transport stopped.  There is supposed to be some relaxation in some places but we don’t yet know whether we will be one of those places.

I finished the video this morning and at last YouTube have done something about the uploading issue so I was able to upload it as well.

The new shorts are very comfortable.

A holiday 20200501

I feel like I have actually had a holiday today.  I spent a lot of time sewing and finished off the shorts I have been making.  I am very pleased with them.  All made by hand as well.

I would love to do more sewing but only have so many clothes that I can cut up and make into something else.  Unless I start on the Buddha Garden sheets……..

The picture is of what I call a 'white ant scupture' on a piece of wood near my house.