Monday 29 June 2020

Creative work 20200627

I not only got the video finished but uploaded as well.  Was quite surprised as often the internet is slow on a Saturday.

I managed a little time working on my latest embroidery project.  Its meant to be a flower but I have no idea how it is supposed to look.  I am continually surprised at how it is developing as I sew.

Reflections 20200626

With two nights of really good rain this week water collected in our granite hand grinder which stands next to our statue of Ganesha.

This is the reflection of the rain washed sky in the water.

Fun with a plastic claw 20200625

We had a lot of fun with this when we were planting out seeds after the rain.  The ‘claw’ is made of plastic and is one of four on a pair of gardening gloves.  The gloves were disintegrating so we took off the claws and used them for making holes in the soil into which we dropped seeds.

They were very effective. 

Another good rain! 20200624

It was amazing to get a second good rain last night which was even better than the first one.  It went on for some time but the rain wasn’t too heavy so it was absorbed by the soil rather than washing the soil away.

The sky in the morning was beautiful with such a clear light.

Our first good rain 20200623

We had our first good rain after the hot season last night.  It got deliciously cool so we all slept better.  And of course it was great for all our vegetables.

Birthday 20200622

It was Magzhiran’s fifth birthday today and he had a physically distanced party.  Five people came and everyone else was on WhatsApp.  This was one of the best pictures! 

The rest of the pictures were too dark, I think because the party was held on the terrace which contrasted too much with the bright lights coming from the kitchen.  I’ve got some video clips that are a little better than the photos, but obviously if we do it again next year, it would better to have things happen in the kitchen where the light is better.

Monday 22 June 2020

Summer solstice 20200621

It was not only the summer solstice today but we also had a solar eclipse late morning.  It was total in Delhi but only about one third here.  In any case there was a lot of cloud so the sun was very diffuse and it didn’t seem that anything changed very much.  I hadn’t got anything set up to take photos and definitely didn’t want to look at or point my camera to the sun.

I love it when vegetables live up to their names like this snake gourd.

Last cashews 20200620

This is the last of the cashews.  Another sign that the hot season is finishing.

I found that I did not have enough video clips for a video this week so have had to create a photo slide show instead.  Fortunately I have got a lot of weekly photos which I have taken of the research beds.


Found 20200619

I found this on my evening walk when I have been surrounded by butterflies and had a lizard almost run over my feet.  All these things are symbols of change and transformation.  Which I suppose isn’t surprising given the virus situation and that its got to that point where I can feel the hot season is gradually moving towards the summer rains.

Friday 19 June 2020

The food forest project 20200618

This is the corner in an area covered with trees where I am going to try and set up a forest garden.  I had some wild spinach pointed out to me this morning and I was thinking of planting it here.  But its so dry!  Maybe I have to wait until we get more rain before I plant it there.

More embroidery 20200617

I just loved doing this.  It was so calming for me.

New Project 20200616

This is my new project which is the basis for a patchwork flower. 

Flower 20200615

I love this flower (desert rose) which has flowered unexpectedly, probably in response to the recent (very small amount!) rain.  It seems to almost glow with an intense redness whenever the sun shines. 

The finished hanging 20200614

This is the finished hanging I have been making which I have put up in my room.  I hope the dust and sunlight don’t affect the material too much.  In fact, to keep it in good condition, I might eventually change it for a high quality photo.

I feel I could have gone on working on it indefinitely!

Saturday 13 June 2020

Rearranging 20200613

I rearranged all the piles of material for the decay display today.  We will be planting a tree in the middle of it and eventually it will create the necessary shade.

Until we get people coming I am going to take regular pictures and eventually put them in a video.


Decay display 20200612

We had three people come today to clear up the area where we are going to have the display about the decay cycle.  This picture shows the piles of different types of material which is going to be left to decay. 

I find it quite hard to imagine Buddha Garden full of people again.  I rather like it as it is.

Grey day 20200611

A very grey day today which at least made it cooler.  Especially when there was a bit of rain – or maybe dampness would be a better description as there wasn’t very much.

It has brought relief from the heat though.

Embroidery unlimited 20200610

I do enjoy my embroidery and find it very calming.  I’m continuing with the hanging but it feels to me that I could just go on and on working on it for a very long time.  Perhaps never finishing it.

At the same time I have had ideas about other things I could do.

Tuesday 9 June 2020

My friend 20200609

This green praying mantis jumped onto me this morning as I was putting the spinach into bags.  I felt as if he was a friend come to see me.

I put him onto Ganesha as this seemed to be the right place for him.

New life 20200608

I saw this little plant which must have sprung up in response to Saturday’s rain.  I love how nature responds to the slightest bit of encouragement.

It resonated with how I am finding a new way of being at this time.

My black beetle 20200607

I finished the video yesterday so have been able to spend a lot of time embroidering the hanging.  I am adding all sorts of unexpected things to it like this embroidered black beetle.

No reason, I just thought it was the right thing to go there.

Feather 20200606

I found this feather as I quickly walked around the farm this evening just before it rained.  I would like to add it somehow to the hanging I am making.  I will probably have to embroider it as I don’t think combining it with the material will work.  If I do that it will be difficult to replicate the delicate way it is made and the colours.

Friday 5 June 2020

Squirrel breakfast 20200604

As I was walking around the farm I saw this on the only sweet corn bed we have at the moment which happens to be in the Seed garden. 

The squirrels got there first and there was nothing at all left for us.


Love the Picture 20200603

I love this picture as it seems to have caught a lvery peaceful and happy moment.  It’s a bit too bright in the background. and I’ve tried to do something about it, but my basic editing software doesn’t seem to be able to do anything.



Things I need come my way 20200602

One of our Aurovilian helpers came with this bag of goodies today.  She works at a unit that makes children’s clothes and this was some thread I needed plus some ribbon which I am sure I will find a use for.  I was SO pleased as it seems I still can’t get this stuff online.

I managed to work out part of how to use the book layout software for my new book.  Looking forward to using it tomorrow.


Things get more lively 20200601

The lockdown was eased today and someone came and stole two of our gas bottles from the kitchen.  So we had to do a lot of running around and phone calls.  Rajan managed to retrieve one of the bottles as it had been dumped in a nearby forest. Someone who lives nearby said he thinks he will be able to retrieve the other.  I hope so.

I was amazed by this picture of a succulent which shows the delicate shapes of its leaves.  It doesn’t look like anything very much when seen with other plants.  Until I saw this picture I hadn’t realized how beautiful it is.

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Even more embroidery 20200531

I finished the video quite early and spent most of the day doing even more embroidery.  I am using the faded patterns on the material as a guide and rather liking hot it looks. 

I feel as if I am rejuvenating the material.

More embroidery 20200530

I did a lot of embroidery today and am very pleased with how it is coming along. 

I didn’t have energy for doing the weekly video so hopefully I will feel like doing that tomorrow.