Tuesday 17 November 2020

20201117 More rain damage


Today we found that two more papaya trees had fallen down because their roots couldn’t hold in the very wet soil after all the rain.  These trees tend to get top heavy as they grow larger and are very prone to fall down in rain and wind.

One of them fell on the very expensive pipe of one of the water research units.  As the picture shows, fortunately it didn’t break.  Its beautifully sunny again today for at least some of the time.

20201116 Oh dear!


The rain has devastated the plastic on the roof of the new nursery.  We will have to go back to the drawing board to find something more robust.  Maybe polycarbonate sheets or something like that.

20201115 Magical


More sun and rain which continued to clear the air.  Parts of Buddha Garden looked quite magical in the sun.  Although at other times it was extremely grey and wet and muddy.

20201114 Diwali


The day started with heavy rain but this disappeared as sun took over the rest of the day.  The air seemed very clear and the sun very bright and everything growing like crazy.

I’ve spent the day doing the weekly video as fire crackers go off all around me.  This is not very good for the air quality, although of course its not as bad here as in urban areas.

20201113 A good job completed


Its taken us about two months but at last we have completed the roof on the new nursery.  I wonder if the plastic will let through enough light, especially in the monsoon, but we can plant some plants and see how they like it.

Thursday 12 November 2020

20201112 Cleared up


I couldn’t resist taking this picture of the New Horizon vegetable garden where I cut the grass yesterday afternoon.  Cutting the grass was really hard work as it was very overgrown and doing it has made my back sore today. 

But as the picture shows, it was worth it.

20201111 New sounds


Today I was sitting inside and could hear a sound which I couldn’t identify.  Turned out it was Vasantha and Mala sorting the mung beans which we use to make sprouts.  They toss them up in the flat baskets so the small mung beans jump out and then go through them to take out any bad ones or bugs that they find. The noise consists of the beans being thrown up and down and rolling around.

According to Rajan most people now do this job with a machine!

20201110 Glowing gold


As I was walking around the farm this evening I came across these flowers that glowed gold in the sun.

20201109 Thorns


Today we started removing the thorns in the old cashew orchard that we have recently replanted.  There turned out to be are far more thorn bushes than we first thought.  The grass had grown so long it hid a lot of the thorn plants.  So I don’t know how long it will be before it is finished.

Sunday 8 November 2020

20201108 Happy accident


I was really pleased with this picture which was just a happy result rather than a thoughtful one. I just pointed my camera at the flowers and pressed the button.  I love the colours and the detail, especially how the raindrops on the flowers have come out.

20201107 Another shade of green


I loved the way these bunches of leaves hung down from the vine which was curling around a palmyra tree.  Yet another shade of green to enjoy.

20201106 Intense green everywhere


Sun and showers means there are many shades of intense green everywhere.  Its beautiful.

20201105 Pink and blue


As well as being for good for our newly planted trees the sun and showers have been very good for Sangeeta’s roses.  I love the delicate pink of this rose and felt this was the right blue for it as background.

20201104 More cashews


Right at the very end of Buddha Garden we have a very old cashew orchard which is as overgrown as the picture shows.  We took over this land several years ago but only this year have we found the time and energy to do something with it.  We will plant cashew seedlings here as well as maybe a jackfruit tree or two to go with the tamarind tree we have found amongst the undergrowth

20201103 Cashews planted at last


We have been doing a lot of planting in the past weeks but I have been really worried that we would miss planting cashews.  At last the cashew seedlings arrived (from quite a distance) and they are being planted in the gaps in the cashew orchard.



Monday 2 November 2020



This is a picture of the first custard apples of the season.  They are a really good size, presumably because of the rain.  I love the different colours.

20201031 New paths


Today I did  a lot of grass cutting especially in the orchards where I cut paths through the grass.  This is a picture of where I did it in the Pryog orchard.

Its lovely to walk along these paths as the grass seems to encourage the butterflies that fly all around as I walk.

20201030 My new visor


Rajan recently bought this for me in Pondy and I am finding it very useful for all the grass cutting we are doing right now.  It stops a lot of grass going on my face. 

I don’t think it covers enough to keep the virus out though.

20201029 Back to my phone


I spoke too soon about my camera working again as today I couldn’t get it to power itself from the new battery.  I’ve had to use my phone instead and although I don’t like using it so much I think I have got enough material for the video.  At the very least I think I will be able to do a slide show.

This picture of the micro greens infrastructure in the nursery is likely to be part of it.

20201028 Arrived at last


I have been without my camera for the last few days and I have felt lost without it.  Today at last the battery arrived and I am very pleased that it is working again.  I can (and did) take pictures with my phone, but I much prefer to use my camera.

20201027 Blossom


The blossom that the butterflies enjoyed is still going strong.  Although normally it does not last very long.