Monday, 12 April 2021

20210412 Surprised again


It was such a surprise seeing this desert rose suddenly coming into flower.  With all the rain they haven’t seemed very happy for some time, but obviously now we are coming into the hot season all that has changed.  And they created this beautiful flower.

20210411 Nature


Its so unusual to see water in the ponds this time of year, but its really beautiful.  Especially as it supports a huge amount of bird life.

20210410 A new pillow


This, believe it or not, is how my new pillow arrived today in its dehydrated state.

I had to take it out of all the wrapping and leave it for a few hours until it puffed up into its final shape.  I’d never experienced anything like it before but apparently they send things like mattresses and duvets through the post like this.

It’s a wonderful pillow that has had very good effects on my neck that hurt when I woke up.  Now it doesn’t hurt anymore.


20210409 Sore hands!


Yesterday I picked some of these rosella which is usually unheard of at this time of year.  We have picked very few this year and usually by this time they are rather dry.  Which was the case with these.

Despite that we picked them but I realized afterwards that I should have worn gloves.  Being dry the fruit has some rather penetrating hairs that stuck into my fingers making them quite sore.  Even as I type this the next afternoon I can still feel the soreness.  I presume they were going to be used either for jam/syrup or dried to make tea.

Thursday, 8 April 2021

20210408 Morning light


This morning just as the sun was rising we went and watered our recently planted fruit and forest trees at the end of Buddha Garden.

There was a hazy morning light which made the dew drops sparkle.  It was magical.

20210407 From the top


This is what the top of one of our pineapples looks like right now.  I just love its intricacy and beauty.

20210406 Christmas in April


These are what our new variety of chillies look like now.  The bushes look as if they are hung with very intensely colourful Christmas decorations. 

20210405 This time last year


I was going through some of my old files and came across this picture that I took of our gate during last year’s lockdown.

Despite not being able to see very much through the locked gate I could see a whole tree.  At the time it gave me hope that something whole was there in what was at the time a very fractured world with the pandemic and going on and many people fearful of both the disease and suffering economic consequences.

Saturday, 3 April 2021

20210402 Sunset


I just happened to be walking by the pond a few days ago and got this picture on my phone.  Sunsets are really lovely this time of year but seem very fleeting.  I was just lucky to be there at the right time for this picture.

20210401 Hot season crops


Already it feels very hot and this is reflected in the fruit and vegetables we are taking to Foodlink right now. 

The papaya lovely but of course all the other farms have it as well as us.

20210331 Sun on the water


Rajan took this picture of the setting sun on the water in one of our ponds.

At last I have a picture of it.

20210330 EEEEUUUUUWW!!


Did a good morning’s work this morning clearing up plastic and leaves around the temple just outside our gate.  We used the leaves for mulch but the plastic……..ugh!!!  Especially this piece in the picture that had been flung onto the fence.


20210329 Sun and Trees


I took this picture earlier this week in the little patch of forest just beyond the main pond.

I love how the sun shines on the leaves of the trees.

We walked through this patch of forest this evening with a group from Auroville who came to look at our water system in the farm.  It was magical.