Wednesday 30 November 2016


Still no rain although some has been promised for tomorrow.  New Horizon, along with any part of Buddha Garden that does not have irrigation, is extremely dry.

I feel this picture of someone watering the beds in New Horizon by hand expresses just how dry it is.


Today we cleaned 11kg of basil.  I don’t think we have ever done this much since Buddha Garden began.

My thumb is very brown but at least it didn’t make the tips of my fingers all itchy and red like it did last time.


This is a picture I received yesterday from a friend in Malaysia where we lived for four years.  It was taken at an event at a Sikh temple and as the picture shows, it was soon after Rachael was born.

It came on the anniversary of Peter’s death and was a wonderful reminder of the times we had together there.

Sunday 27 November 2016


During yesterday’s yoga class I had this strong image of my body stabilising.  There were parts of my body being bandaged in what felt like a non restricting elastic bandage; this including my bladder, all my blood vessels and spine.  My body was being brought together rather than being very elastic all the time.

I feel that I am doing some of the asanas in a different way that is helping this process along.  It feels like my body is rearranging itself.

New kind of bricks

Today we went to a place called Auro-creation where they are experimenting with making different kinds of bricks.  These ones are made of a mixture of ground up plastic and cement so are a way of recycling plastic.  It is simple technology so that we could make them ourselves.

The only problem I could see is that the plastic might flake off, but we were assured this would not happen.  I would like to experiment with three small beds outside where I live.

Nearly finished

We worked hard on the new cabin this morning.  Now the windows are finished we just have to put up the door. 

Then all the volunteers can come!

Thursday 24 November 2016

Youngest volunteer

I love this picture of Magzhiran that I took this morning.  He was so involved with what he was doing!

Reminded me of Emma and Rachael who were very similar.  Always wanting to explore and try and do what the adults were doing.


Had two good sessions at each of the schools where we have projects.  One school is going to have a millets day when they will cook a variety of millets in different ways.  On that day there will be no rice.  At the other school I got the help of three volunteers and we divided the group up into four small groups.  Unlike last week they were really engaged and turned in some good work.  They even told me how much they had enjoyed it.

Very pleased.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

I wish

I wish it would rain! As the picture shows we haven’t managed to install the irrigation system in New Horizon yet so we are still watering by hand.

I realize that dry as everything is, I need to be very careful what I wish for.  Often when rains come at the end of the monsoon they are very heavy and destructive.

Cabin continues

At last it seems the cabin is getting finished.  It now has three windows and only the front window and door to complete.  We will then have to think about curtains and plastic for when it rains.

There is still a problem getting cash and no end in sight to the cash shortage.  So goodness knows when we will be able to complete it and invite volunteers to stay there.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Settling in

Saw Magzhiran and Sangita sitting together this morning and looking very happy together.  I think they are at last settling in here and feeling at home.

Cabin continues

Since the bricklaying finished last week trying to get the cabin finished and in use has been difficult.  No one else seems to be interested in the work and I haven’t felt well enough.

But today Rajan and a friend made a start so hopefully that will inspire others to come and help.  We really need this space as we have quite a few more people coming next week.

Back to work

For the first time in two weeks I feel better.  Had another huge sleep after the yoga class and got up feeling much more energised.  Managed to do the whole work time today and also felt more hopeful than I have for a long time.

Looks like I might have undermined myself, however, as I got a bad sinus pain at lunch time.  Maybe because I tried to do too much????!


After the picture I got from last year with all that water I thought for comparative purposes I should have a picture of this year.

Not a drop of water anywhere in any of the ponds.

Good and bad

Had a good day with one school and a bad day at the other.  I just don’t know what to do with the students as they are not interested or open to doing things differently.

This picture says it all in some ways.  They split into two groups – boys and girls – and just try to annoy each other.  While they obviously enjoy being outside most of them are not interested in learning anything.

Last year we had water

This reminds me of just how much rain we had last year!  While this year we have had hardly anything.  Not one good rain since the monsoon begun.

This time last year I was so busy and finding it hard work to keep everything going.  I see how much I have passed on and how this year I feel as if everything is rearranging itself inside me.  Both physically and in other ways.

I think it is going to take some time for this to complete and then to know what comes next.


This picture is of three volunteers taking a break from doing what was a very strenuous job.  I have felt like this all day.  I am able to do something but only for a short time.  After which I have to take a break.

I have tried to use the breaks for doing restorative yoga poses.  Although I still feel tired I also feel better and ferociously hungry.

Sunday 13 November 2016

Holding me up

This is a pretty good representation of how my insides feel now.  Someone said to me that sometimes you have to be ill to change something inside.

I have had a strong feeling during the whole of this process that things are changing inside.  That I am becoming tougher and more resilient and less open to outside things getting under my skin.

A long week

Its been a long week during which Donald Trump has become the new President of the USA, India has run out of cash because of withdrawing all old Rs500 and Rs1000 notes immediately and I am still very tired although feeling better.

During this time one of our volunteers has been some brick laying on our newest cabin.  It has been lovely to check regularly on his progress and see how slowly, despite everything, it is being manifest.


Have been diagnosed with a bladder infection which is making me feel very ill.  Although it is slowly getting better.

Received this from friend Edwin who has bladder cancer which has spread.  Despite this he continues to paint in his own special way.  He is going to go on a trial of a drug that may help.

Saturday 5 November 2016

Monsoon poster

Very pleased indeed with this map which shows how the monsoon is created across India.  Doing it has taught me a lot.

Very interesting how even with advanced knowledge and technology the monsoon is still very difficult to predict.

Raring to go

Really enjoyed this picture which shows the volunteers ready to go and work in the forest this morning.  We are trying to get all the forest trees planted as soon as possible before the main rains come.

School lessons changed

Had two lessons at two schools which were much improved.  Have taken a new direction with the students.  Both classes have to change activities every 20 minutes (which seems to be their attention span) and keep focused with work sheets and posters.

Seems to work and I felt much better about both the students and the class.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Flower of power

One of the good things about not being responsible for the morning work is that I have more time for taking photographs.  Today I saw a bed of ladies finger in the Souryan garden that were full of flowers.  This is one of them and I have just found out that it signifies power.

Very appropriate given that I have been trying to sort out the housing issues in Buddha Garden and making myself physically ill.  I have realised that I have to accept totally the situation as it is. That the way to deal with it is not to try and fight it but to manifest the aspiration I feel for doing things a different way.

I now feel better. Is this may the way to find my true power?