Wednesday 29 July 2020

Cutting through 20200728

I think this picture gives a good idea of what it was like cutting through the undergrowth in the Garden of Unseen Helpers.  I was very happy that Rajendran turned up and did such a good job.  I couldn’t have coped with all the thorns and in any case I wasn’t feeling too good today.

Its going to take quite a time to finish as we have to replant what was originally a path which was very rough.

My hugme tree 20200727

I took another trip to the Garden of Unseen Helpers to see about the next stage of the clearing up.  This will involve taking out a LOT of thorn trees, picking up a LOT of rubbish (thrown there by the next door builders) as well as changing the fence.  Hopefully I can make a start clearing up the rubbish and taking out a few other plants.  I think I will have to leave the thorns to someone else.

This picture is of my hugme tree where I made the seat last week.  I have needed to hug it a lot these past weeks and months.

Sunday 20200726

This ended up feeling like quite a busy day because I spent a large part of the morning doing the video. Most annoyingly I had to wait several hours for the YouTube website to work before I was able to upload the video and feel the job was finished.

My first ideas for my next embroidery project didn’t work, but I do have hopes about this one.  I’ve called it ‘blue’ because its using mostly blue material.  I surprised how much blue material I have given that I don’t like the colour all that much.

The picture is of Rajan’s Sunday job – digging holes for plants in his garden outside his house.


Looking up 20200725

Yesterday I made a seat next to the Hugme tree.  Today I went this morning to try it out and took this picture of what the tree looked like when I looked up into it.


A special place 20200724

Spent some time in the morning working in the Garden of Unseen Helpers again.  I did quite a lot of clearing up and in the process made this seat next to what I call ‘the Hugme tree’ – a neem tree that I always hug as I go past it.

As I did the work I felt very close to Jean.

Friday 24 July 2020

Flowers for Jean 20200723

My friend Jean died about ten days ago and its her funeral today. 

I think these flowers came out especially for her.

A beautiful parasite 20200722

This looks really beautiful but we spent a lot of this morning cutting clumps of it off one of our guava trees.  It’s a parasite plant – a form of mistletoe – that will take over the whole tree if we don’t keep in under control.


Cut back 20200721

Each morning after work I’ve been regularly working at developing the Garden of Unseen Helpers.  This has mainly involved cutting back a lot of undergrowth.  Rajan bought some new (very inexpensive and simple) tools today which as the picture shows, has made the work go very efficiently and well.

I must remember in the future to keep an eye on the tools and make sure they are good for purpose.  Sometimes all that’s needed to make a tool work properly is something like a new saw blade.

Quiet day 20200720

Its been a quiet day – especially for a Monday.  I’ve spent a lot of time working in the Garden of Unseen Helpers.

I’ve continued to work on the embroidery by putting some more decoration on the background.  It looks and feels different when its hung up although it doesn’t look so different in the picture.

Sunday 19 July 2020

Very pleased 20200719

Very pleased with these re-soled ‘new’ sandals.  They originally belonged to Emma but the soles had got very thin.  It was impossible to get them re-soled in the UK so brought them back here to do it.  I am very pleased with them as they are comfortable and they give me a spare pair of sandals which I think I might need in the not too distant future.

The only thing I worry about is that the soles might be too smooth for monsoon so I could slip over in the wet.  But lets see.  At the moment they are lovely to wear.

Nursery for the future 20200718

Video making time again and at least this week I have plenty of material. 

This is what the nursery looks like now as we grow all the seedlings for the coming season of rain and eventually monsoon.

Great excitement when a friend came to visit.  It makes me realize how few people I see these days. I loved showing her how the Garden of Unseen Helpers is coming on.  She is really interested in that sort of thing


Dancing knots 20200717

Even without wind these knots of sugar cane suggest they are dancing.

Knot 20200716

This is how Mala and Vasantha tied up the sugar cane this morning.  Growing the sugar cane has been part of the research we are doing and I have never done it before.  At the moment it is incredibly untidy as it is tall and growing all over the place.  Mala and Vasantha seemed to know exactly what to do and tied it together in bunches so it stood up straight again.  It looks fully grown to me but obviously isn’t.  I don’t know when we will be harvesting it.

I have decided to spend a bit of extra time every day doing work in the Garden of Unseen Helpers.  I did a bit of glyricidea cutting and moved all the piles of decaying stuff to another location.  Its slow work on my own but I do a little every day it will gradually get finished.  I feel quite excited as I do it.

Wednesday 15 July 2020

At last! 20200715

I am SO pleased that this morning we were at last able to make a proper start on the Garden of Unseen Helpers.  With the recent rains I want to get it all sorted out and trees planted as soon as possible. 

Its been very difficult to find enough time to do it.  With so few volunteers we’ve had to focus on picking and planting the vegetables and fruit trees.  Today one of our main Auroville distribution centres was closed so we didn’t have to pick very much and that gave us time to do this work.

I’ve ordered the tree saplings and hopefully in the next weeks we will be able to get them all planted.

Embroidery finished 20200713

Today's picture is of the embroidery I have been doing over the past weeks and finished today.  Which really surprised me.  I sat down and started working and I suddenly realised I had finished! Its possible that I will continue by doing more embroidery on the background but at this point am not sure whether its needed or not.

I’m going to hang it up and see what I feel about it.


Last year 20200712

Have not been able to go out because of the curfew so spent a lot of time doing my embroidery and some writing.

It was really interesting to see that last year at about the same time of year we had had big rains which left large puddles everywhere.  We seem to have had quite a lot of rain this year but I haven’t seen many big puddles like this.

 It is difficult to grasp the magnitude of what has happened as I sit here, unable to go out because of a curfew brought on by the pandemic.  This time last year I was getting ready to go to the UK.  The world has changed.

Monday 13 July 2020

Celebrating flowers 20200711

Found it difficult doing the weekly video this morning.  This week we have been without some of our volunteers.  As a precaution, two of them didn’t come because they were connected to the recent covid19 case in Auroville.  Fortunately, everyone has tested negative so they were eventually able to come back.  It means that those of us left have had to work very hard with little time for photography.

Despite this I managed to create a video which showcased some of the lovely flowers around at the moment.  Like the blue Radha’s consciousness in today’s picture.

Friday 10 July 2020

Growth exploding 20200710

The energy of everything growing is lovely to feel after these summer months of arid dryness.

Very pleased to see our volunteers (both Newcomers) return to the farm today.  With no one coming from outside Auroville we depend on them a lot more than usual.

Morning moonlight 20200709

We had an unexpectedly clear and sunny morning this morning when the moon was very evident.

Only Rajan and I at the farm this morning and we had to clean 5kg of basil.  At the end of it my hands were tingling!

Green patchwork 20200708

With all the rain everything is bursting into growth.  I love all the different greens and shapes and sizes of the leaves on these trees.  This is from one of our orchards in Buddha Garden.

Tuesday 7 July 2020

Yellow mushrooms 20200707

We have a whole lot of these mushrooms growing under a bush just outside Rajan’s house.  I have never seen them before and colour is quite breathtaking. 

Grass grows regardless 20200706

No volunteers so just us three this morning to do all the work.  Two of the volunteers are in quarantine because of the virus – we got our first case in Auroville over the weekend.  They have been in contact with a friend of a friend of the person who is sick.  The friend of the person who is sick has so far tested negative so hopefully they will only be off for a week.

The picture shows how the grass is growing – we have a lot of grass cutting to do as well as all the other work. 

The rat cut 20200705

I was so very pleased when my new hair cutting scissors wooden comb turned up from Amazon yesterday.  It meant I could cut my hair today.

I had a bit of difficulty setting up the mirrors so I could see all parts of my head.  And also had some difficulty seeing what I was doing and coordinating my hands with the mirror.  In the end I was very pleased with the result, mainly because it makes my head feel cooler.

I call it ‘a rat cut’ because it looks a bit as if a rat has chewed my hair.  As my hair is quite curly its very forgiving when the cutting isn’t quite straight – which in most places it isn’t.

Embroidery 20200704

This embroidery is coming along almost like magic.  I only had a very sketchy idea about what is was going to look like.  And am continually surprised and pleased at what it looks like after I have been working on it.

Interesting insect 20200703

I saw this very unusual praying mantis by the beans this morning.  He looked just like the bean plants he was near with their dried up leaves.

Fabulous smell 20200702

This morning I smelt these flowers – a kind of jasmine – before I saw them and took this picture.  I wish I could put the smell in the picture.

One of our volunteers told me that the flowers don’t stay there very long.  When I went on my evening walk I found that most of the blossom was on the ground although there were still enough flowers for the smell to remain.

Beautiful things like these perfumed flowers and the water in the pond yesterday are very ephemeral.

Water in hte pond! 20200701

After rain yesterday afternoon and a lot of rain with a thunderstorm in the evening we finally saw water in the pond this morning.

By the evening, when I took a friend to have a look this puddle had disappeared.

Monday 6 July 2020

Inviting rain 20200630

I love how Ganesha looks with this ‘beard’ of grass.  Apparently it is put there this time of year to help bring the rain.  The grass used is associated with rain because with its special roots it attracts/brings moisture to where it is growing. 

Beautiful blue 20200629

I noticed the butterfly bush had come into bloom today and took this close up picture.  It brings out the beautiful blue of the blossom in a way that I hadn’t noticed when I looked at the bush.

Friday 3 July 2020

More time for embroidery 20200628

Without the video to worry about I was able to spend a lot more time today doing my embroidery.  I love how it is slowly evolving.