Sunday 19 July 2020

Knot 20200716

This is how Mala and Vasantha tied up the sugar cane this morning.  Growing the sugar cane has been part of the research we are doing and I have never done it before.  At the moment it is incredibly untidy as it is tall and growing all over the place.  Mala and Vasantha seemed to know exactly what to do and tied it together in bunches so it stood up straight again.  It looks fully grown to me but obviously isn’t.  I don’t know when we will be harvesting it.

I have decided to spend a bit of extra time every day doing work in the Garden of Unseen Helpers.  I did a bit of glyricidea cutting and moved all the piles of decaying stuff to another location.  Its slow work on my own but I do a little every day it will gradually get finished.  I feel quite excited as I do it.

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