Monday, 29 October 2012

Misty morning colours

This morning was grey and misty - not the thick mist that we get after the monsoon which hides the garden - but a more gentle mist that made all the edges of things blurry.  In which the green plants looked a verdant and brilliant green.

The picture I did was to try to give a sense of that.  Of the colours being blurry and yet very intense.

We heard this morning that another house has collapsed in Repos, one of the beach communities in Auroville.  The beach there had been eroding for some years and they were badly affected by the cyclone in December. With the foundations of the place disappearing it is not surprising that the house was washed down by the waves coming from storms in the large depression in the bay that is drifting towards us.

Yet they say the rain is not now expected to be as bad as forecast.  Lets see.

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