Wednesday 3 June 2015

What a day!

Have had a difficult day, the worst thing being that my bank card has been blocked because of fraud.  This meant a lot of phone calls on a very bad line to the bank. I also couldn’t pay for the writing software and so couldn’t get to my writing.  Fortunately Emma paid for it for me so at least I can carry on with that.  At the same time the Buddha Garden website has been hacked so that has needed work on it and new passwords.  I have spent all day sorting all this stuff out and felt that I haven’t done anything worthwhile.

I took this picture this morning of everyone coming in after they had finished picking cashews.  I like the light around them as they go through the gate.  As well as all the hassle there was light for me today in that a volunteer who walked in this morning is willing to build me an app and help with the new book. 

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