Monday 16 January 2017


At last! Got up feeling more energetic and hopeful.  Created these two pictures to show how its been.  I felt as if this virus has bound me close and now it is slowly letting me go.  Except its not really as its just loosening itself so I can dance with it more easily.  Rather than letting go completely.

I really wonder about the bright green colour as green is meant to be healing and this is a very positive bright green colour.  Not the colour I would expect for a virus that made me sick.  Maybe it represents Buddha Garden? Again and again I seem to come back to having to take responsibility for everything in Buddha Garden.  Which does not always feel good for my health.  The place feels as if it will not let me go……. Maybe dancing more loosely with it is the first step?

I think I have to be more patient with the process.

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