Sunday 29 April 2018

Gloopy stuff 20180425

For the first time I used the new equipment to look at some of this week’s video clips.  It is wonderfully quick although the super big screen shows all their imperfections, mainly that there is jiggle because the phone is hand held.  I DO hope this doesn’t mean that I now have to spend a lot of money on a new camera! 

Also tried out some of Mani’s gloopy stuff – in this case dried and ground up papaya leaves on my hair.  Its supposed to be very cooling and it did feel like that.  Mani is really enthused and has lots of ideas for different sorts of mixtures that will do different things for hair.  I notice, however, that as he has shaved off all his hair for the summer he is not going to be sitting around with green stuff on his head!!

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