When I woke up for several
minutes didn’t know where I was and thought I might have the fist symptoms of
dementia. Then I remembered that I am in
this new house. Spent a long time this
morning getting myself together and going shopping. I found the above in the big shop I went to
and cannot understand how they manage to get them all the same size. Actually I do know – either they throw away a
lot or use hybrid plants.
I kept losing myself although I
think I have got myself properly orientated now. Stomach is in a terrible state and isn’t
helped by the toilet being rather delicate.
It takes 20 minutes to fill up the cistern between flushes!
Had a nice time with Sam and
Elsie who after being rather reserved in the beginning has now got used to
me. Poor little girl is still covered in
chicken pox scars. Emma is sick with a
cold and a bad ear. Despite all that had
a nice time and very glad to see them all again.