Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Fun day 20180821

Woke up late as slept very deeply.  I think it helped me get over a bug I felt was coming on in my throat.

Had a fun day mostly with the children.  We went to the library where Sam got a medal and a certificate for completing the summer reading challenge.  Then Elsie amused me by sitting for ages on the toilet in her fairy costume reading books.

Babysat tonight and poor Elsie has a dreadful cough.

Another family picture 20180820

I didn’t take any pictures today as I spent a lot of the day doing various sorts of creative work on my computer.  So for today the picture is the other family picture I took while at the playground on Saturday. 

In both of them Elsie has her eyes shut!

With friends 20180819

Spent the day with Bob and Jean which was lovely.  Poor Jean is constantly tired because of all the pills she has to take for her pain.

In the park again 20180818

Tom asked me to take some special pictures of the whole family and this is one of them.

Babysat last night which was all right even although Elsie is having trouble sleeping because of a cough and cold.

Doing simple things 20180817

We spent the day shopping in three different shops which included a large store selling DIY materials.  When we got back I had to give Sam a long explanation of why I didn’t want to play Monopoly.  He asked me whether I didn’t like the game because of the numbers and I had to explain it was about my values not numbers. He seemed quite happy to play it by himself and later we played a video game together.  I didn’t do too badly at it although obviously much worse than Sam who has had a lot more practice.

Had long discussions with Emma who is finding family life very challenging at the moment.  I am going to babysit for them tomorrow.

A new video 20180816

I spent the whole morning doing the video of our trip to Sue and Dennis.  It reminded me of why I enjoy doing this sort of work so much.  The picture is of the dining room table where I have set up my work space to do this.

Thursday, 16 August 2018

A quiet day 20180815

Lynne comes to look after the children on Wednesday so was able to have a catch up morning before going to see them just after lunch.  Sam’s recorder book had arrived so we had another session together.  Its going very well and I feel he is listening to the sound as well as understanding the tempo.

Cooked a meal this evening but very cross because I burnt it.  I thought I had turned down the gas but didn’t check to see and then found I hadn’t turned it down far enough.  In future I need to stay in the kitchen and watch it cook!

A day out 20180814

Went to see Sue and Dennis today and had a really nice day out.  The picture is of an ark that Sam’s great grandfather made for Sam’s grandfather in 1940!  And Sam was playing with it today and looked as if he was enjoying it as much as his grandfather did all those years ago.
Sam also enjoyed playing with his cousin who is about the same age.  They both have wobbly teeth and a gap where one has come out!

The drive back was really horrible with queues on the motorway and then losing the GPS signal when we left the motorway to try and find another way back.  It makes me wonder why people want to go on driving……

Surprised 20180813

A very grey day and I think everyone needs a rest today.  Have worked out how to work the washing machine so am washing all my clothes.  I am also trying to catch up on work stuff and keep the video material up to date.  I hope I will have time to start making the video otherwise it will be too much when I get back.

Had a nice time playing with Sam who wanted to play monopoly.  Was amazed at how uncomfortable I felt as that way of dealing with money is against all my principles.  Felt that I managed to get across some of my ideas  although I’m not sure the parents approve!

Monday, 13 August 2018

Back to Manchester 20180812

Had another very grey drive back over the pass to Manchester.  This time without the queues which was nice.  More shopping when I got back and then on to Amanda’s which was really nice.  Admired the new kitchen which was very sleek and commiserated with Amanda about the number of boxes she is having to find room for.  Both Davey and Cathy no longer have a flat so all their possessions are with Amanda.

Came back and did some cooking which was nice.  Have established that the oven is electric although the hob is gas.  Hence I can now work the cooker.

In my bed 20180811

Had Elsie in my room last night where I had the best sleep since arriving in the UK.  Lovely to wake up to Elsie but she is still a bit reserved with me.  

Had a lovely day out with Emma, Rachael and the children visiting a lot of the playgrounds and parks in Sheffield.  Went to Heely City farm for lunch and at last managed to get a rest after lunch.  Hopefully this will stop me crashing out early in the evening.

With Rachael 20180810

Slept very heavily last night and feel a bit better this morning.  Got my hair cut so I don’t look like a witch anymore and then off to see Rachael.  Dreadful journey with rain and long queues over Woodhead pass over the Pennines.  As I had organized a hair do for 10.30am we didn’t get a particularly early start which didn’t help. 

Had a lovely time with Emma, Rachael and the children.  I also got to see all the work that Chris has done on his house since last year.  He’s done a lot but there is still a huge amount to do.

Disorientated 20180809

When I woke up for several minutes didn’t know where I was and thought I might have the fist symptoms of dementia.  Then I remembered that I am in this new house.  Spent a long time this morning getting myself together and going shopping.  I found the above in the big shop I went to and cannot understand how they manage to get them all the same size.  Actually I do know – either they throw away a lot or use hybrid plants.

I kept losing myself although I think I have got myself properly orientated now.  Stomach is in a terrible state and isn’t helped by the toilet being rather delicate.  It takes 20 minutes to fill up the cistern between flushes!

Had a nice time with Sam and Elsie who after being rather reserved in the beginning has now got used to me.  Poor little girl is still covered in chicken pox scars.  Emma is sick with a cold and a bad ear.  Despite all that had a nice time and very glad to see them all again.

Arrival 20180808

Journey wasn’t too bad but exhausted after losing a night’s sleep and then having to wait nearly three hours for Tom to turn up.  He went to the wrong terminal and then tried to bring the car around to the correct terminal but had to go almost back home before he could turn round.  Eventually made it.

Have got a very nice house to stay in although having all this space makes me feel quite giddy.  I keep mislaying my stuff.

Starting to see a space 20180807

After a sleepless night felt terrible this morning, very fragile and bit disorientated and dizzy.  Despite that I felt I had to get on with stuff.  I managed to finish this week’s video and to sort out sharing Mary’s video which I hope works.  Started packing and it looks like I left more behind in the UK than I thought.  Which means that my bag shouldn’t be too heavy.  Stopping to help a student with a video project helped me calm down a bit.  She had some lovely equipment but it cost $5000!  We had a nice interview.

Have managed to get my packing sorted and have only the last bits to do this evening before I go at 11.00pm.  Have decided to go to yoga and hope that will help calm me down as well.  Must try and get as much rest and sleep as I can.

Still feeling overwhelmed 20180806

Managed to get Mary’s video finished but it is 55 minutes long!  I’ve had a problem uploading it to my google drive to share because the internet is very unsteady.  Went to Udavi school and to see friend Auroculture who is rather frail but is still managing.  She wants me to bring chocolate back from the UK which will be OK until I get to Chennai when it will start to melt.  The picture is meant for a video about seeds but I don’t think I will get it done before I go.

 Feel extremely tired while driving myself to get all this stuff done. Watched two television programs in an effort to calm down but in fact it just made me more agitated than ever.

Feeling overwhelmed 20180805

Today I spent all day working really hard trying to finish Mary’s video.  It feels like my eyes are standing out on stalks.  I feel very tired and thinking about what I have to do before I go makes me feel more tired than ever.

I did have a bit of a break when Priyal, who I mentor as a Newcomer to Auroville, came to see me.  Even then when we walked around Buddha Garden I was taking clips for the videos on which I am working.  The photo for today will be used in a video about flowers in Buddha Garden.

In a hurry 20180804

Went to Udavi school but wasn’t able to stay long.  We are still struggling to get the irrigation system finished although it is coming along very well.  The grade 10 students that we have on Saturday are very good at getting the work done so they are a help.

As soon as I could it was back to video editing.

Basil flowers 20180803

I managed to do some work for the video I am doing about flowers.  This despite the fact that Rajan wasn’t here this morning as he had to attend yet another ear piercing.  It took much longer than the last one at the temple because it was very crowded.  Apparently this is the time of year when a lot of families do it.

Feel I am having to work very hard to get everything done before I leave.

Bristol kolams 20180802

This is a picture of kolams that my grandchildren made when they got back to Bristol.

Apparently Mary is going to be fined because she took the children out of school three days early! Ridiculous given the experiences they had here are surely more than they would have at the end of term in school.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

A change of perspective 20180801

Now that Mary and co have left and are on their way – probably between Oman and London as I write this – my own trip to the UK feels a lot closer.  I feel my perspective has completely shifted.

One thing I want to do is focus more on the videos I am creating and scheduling for while I am away.  The above picture is part of that as I am going to do a video about growing our own seeds.

I also want the irrigation system at Udavi vegetable garden to be finished before I go.  Ravikrishna, Rajan and I are working hard at doing that but I think it is going to be a close run thing.  We sat together putting drippers in pipes this afternoon while the students got on with working on their beds and digging holes for papaya trees.

Last day 20180731

Everyone rushing around sorting things out and getting ready to go.  Unfortunately it rained this afternoon but there was enough time for the family to have a last scoot around Auroville.  Then we all met together for a last dosa at the Neem Tree. 

Asking the children about what they will remember about India and Auroville the Neem Tree restaurant and evening with Sivakala are the top memories. I will miss them.

They are going soon 20180731

This is a picture I took of the bark of the tree which has been chopped down in the Udavi school vegetable garden.  I went there this afternoon with Rajan as we are trying to sort the irrigation system so we finish it at the end of this week.

In the evening a penultimate meal at the Neem Tree with the family.  I walked there and Justin brought me back.  The whole family love the electric scooters. 

Another shopping trip 20180729

Went for another shopping trip to Pondy this afternoon where I got this lovely picture of the children on the Promenade.  We bought yet more tiffins spending a lot of money and time in Singapore metal shop.  Then once again we went to the Promenade hotel for a meal.

They have only been here a week and already they are building up rituals and habits about what they want to do!