Sunday 30 December 2018

Sunrise 20181230

As I had got the weekly video completed on Friday and started the New Year video yesterday, I thought I would have a restful Sunday.  But no such luck.  I started early this morning going out for pictures of the sunrise for the New Year video.

As well as completing and uploading the video I spent a lot of time sorting out volunteers.  Am very annoyed that Pierre’s volunteer had been in contact with one of them and hadn’t said anything to me.  Something to sort out tomorrow.  I also had to talk to one of my mentees – someone who wants to become Aurovilian.

I also had another volunteer turn up who was supposed to be with a friend, but he isn’t coming for several hours.  They wanted their own room but we don’t have one right now  so have given him the meeting room above my room for the time being.  I prefer it when people don’t arrive on a Sunday.

Sunset 20181229

Very glad I went to yoga this evening as my back is a lot better.  It was a nice restorative class.

The picture is one that goes at the beginning of the video that I started today.  It’s the first of a series of photos which gives the impression of a sunset.  I’m rather pleased with it as the original picture is not that good but I got it looking fine for the video.

Growing 20181228

I managed to get the weekly video finished and uploaded.  The picture is one I took to put in the video although I don’t think it made the final cut.  I continue to be amazed by how quickly bananas grow.  This one was planted only two days ago!

My back is really bad today and it feels as if the muscles are inflamed.  If I am still and then move it really hurts.

Misty morning 20181227

It was a very misty morning today.  So I rushed out with my camera to take what I hope are some moody pictures that I can put with music for the weekly video.  Just to make something a bit different.  I spent some time searching for some music and think I will try and fit the pictures to the music although usually I do it the other way around.  I recently saw a video where someone had done that rather successfully.

I love it when I find feathers, especially as this one was very bright and fresh.

From friends far away 20181226

I received this Chrismassy picture from a friend although with the flowers I presume it wasn’t taken at Christmas.

Had chats with all the family over WhatsApp which  was lovely.

Wednesday 26 December 2018

Exhausted! 20181225

Have done two videos today, one for Buddha Garden and one for me to send to family and friends.  I am exhausted!

Had a lovely lunch at the Korean restaurant with Hong and Evelyn.  I enjoyed the food a lot although it had some very unusual smells around it.

This morning we dug holes, planted bananas and made bunds around the bananas.  I love this heart shaped bund that one of the volunteers made.

Christmas Celebration 20181224

Had a lovely time with Rajan at the Udavi School function which I think was based on the Christmas function they used to have at the Ashram School while Mother was alive.  There was a unique combination of ashram and Christmas music.  Though the students obviously struggled with some of the Christmas music. 

The Christmas tree and the lights were lovely and the students obviously liked getting their presents.

Rain all day 20181223

A very rainy and cold day.  I spent most of the day doing the video for the Heathy Cashew Network.  I really enjoyed doing something a bit different but felt the pressure of having to finish it today.  As I know I won’t have time to do it next week.

The rain has stopped at last and its supposed to be sunny all this next week.  Good if it turns out like that.

Food Festival 20181222

Went to the Food Festival at the African Pavilion although rather disappointingly it was raining.  I went because the Healthy Cashew Network had a table there and I rather unwisely said I would make a video of it.

Fortunately I managed to finish the weekly Buddha Garden video today so I should have time to do it.

New Product 201821

It’s the Solstice today and I hardly noticed it.  Although I do notice a lot of things are changing here.  There feels quite a profound energy around

We did the first batch of our new product which is mung bean and peanut sprouts.  They tasted delicious and I love the way that Giri has arranged them.

Friday 21 December 2018

Luminosity 20181220

After struggling through the dark from my session last night I couldn’t wait to get my new torch.  Which I knew was in the parcel that was delivered earlier this week.  Its absolutely fabulous.  I took the above picture and the torch gave so much light it didn’t trigger the  flash on my phone camera.

Had to send someone away from Buddha Garden today.  A gut wrenching but necessary experience as he was causing a lot of problems for us.  We said he can come back after two months and we will see how things are then.

Pet spider 20181219

I took a picture of this spider and its web several days ago.  I thought it would be nice to have a picture before I cleared away the spider’s web.  But it feels horrible to take away the spider’s home so I haven’t done it yet.

Last session at Transition school before the two week Christmas holiday.  It seems that any spare time I have has already been filled up with an extra meeting!  Ah well.

'Yes' 20181218

Had an amazing experience today when Pierre agreed to the things that I want agreement on so he can go on living in Buddha Garden.  I didn’t have to argue and fight – he just agreed.

Had two other meetings so with having to write the notes and the agreement I have been very busy.

My Christmas present from my daughters arrived and so far I haven’t opened it.

Cool season has arrived 20181217

I know the cool season has arrived when my coconut oil solidifies over night.

Brown is the colour.... 20181216

Very pleased with colour I managed to get my hair this time.  Its more brown than red.  Two thirds henna and one third indigo powder.

Sunday 16 December 2018

Leak repaired 20181215

Was amazed when the plumber turned up first thing this morning.  I had to go to a meeting but during that time the leak was repaired and Vasantha came to clean the house.  As the picture shows, there is a big hole to be mended but there is no leak. 

I hope I have not taken on too much work by agreeing to coordinate the Healthy Cashew Network.  It’s a group that is full of divergent thinkers who all have lots of ideas, but the group as a whole needs to focus and decide what to do otherwise all the energy will be too scattered.

Leak 20181214

Got a really bad leak in my bathroom tap today.  There is so much water coming out of what looks like the pipe to the tap that I can hear it constantly running down the drain.  Its so bad someone has got to come and look at it tomorrow.  According to Rajan they may need to take some of the tiles off, especially if the pipe is cracked and the water has been running through the brickwork.

I think the leak may have been there some time but has only got worse recently.

How did I do it? 20181213

Sometimes I wonder how I manage to get done what I do!  Had a Green Group meeting which means lots of notes and draft letters to sort out.  A lot of which I managed to do today.

And I went to yoga as well!  The picture is part of a kolam outside Grace’s house.  If you look at it one way, as in the picture, it’s a cheeky fish.  If you look at it from another direction it’s a jelly fish

Phew! 20181212

Had two school sessions today so lots of cycling and now feeling tired and rather hungry.  Was walking around this evening and looking for a picture and came across these two people walking around the garden.  This was at 5.00pm which I think shows the guest season has well and truly started.

Sometimes I feel as if I am living in a goldfish bowl from which I never get a day off unless I leave!

Tuesday 11 December 2018

Talking and Writing 20181211

Had a group of researchers come this morning for an interview.  It was actually not too bad as they seemed to know quite a lot about Auroville so I didn’t have to explain basic stuff.  Which I always find exhausting.

Then we had a sub group meeting about how best to care for the roadside land on a farm.  Amazingly I found it really interesting and useful.  Which is unlike most meetings I go to. 

Spent the rest of the day writing up the notes of the meeting as on the picture.  I love the line going through the notes to show I have finished with them!

Ridiculously busy 20181210

I am really fed up with feeling so pushed and busy all the time.  My day has consisted of dealing with one thing after another with no respite.  And often worrying about getting everything done rather than enjoying what I am doing.

Went out around sunset to find a picture.  Had a really lovely experience of standing in the Pryog orchard and seeing all the parrots playing in the sky.  Its not a good picture because the parrots are small and blurred but it does remind me of a lovely moment in this day.

It also reminds me not to get too serious!

Productive day 20181209

Got up early and started the video early and so I finished it early.  That meant I had time to do some cleaning as well as talk to a potential Newcomer and to more or less finish off all my Christmas presents. 

I am SO pleased even although of course it has been another Sunday when I haven’t had much of a rest.  There is still a lot to do – I still haven’t made a substantive start on the new audio guide -  but I refuse to think about it!

The picture is one from the video that is always so much a part of my Sundays.

Sunday 9 December 2018

Cable magic! 20181208

Had a long chat with Prabhu today when he came to collect his vegetables, about my woes with the SD cards that don’t work and a camera that I can’t connect to the computer.  He does quite a lot of photography and suggested that I try a new cable.  I was very dubious about it but I tried and to my absolute amazement it worked!!! 

I am so pleased as this means that I won’t have to keep taking the SD card in and out of the camera which I’m sure is at least part of the reason why they stop working so quickly.  According to Prabhu they get affected by dust and moisture very easily.

First misty morning 20181207

It was our first misty morning this morning which suggests to me that the rains may have stopped.  Except that Rajan says that the temperature is not cold enough and in any case he dreamed last night that more rain is coming.

More pictures than videos 20181206

Since my SD card is playing up I am taking a lot of pictures on my phone just in case at the end of the week there are no video clips I can get hold of.

I like this one of Rajan collecting custard apple.  Now the rain seems to have stopped there seems to be a lot more fruit around.

Had a good yoga class where we worked on my spine and trying to help it be less contracted.

Parcels gone 20181205

Woke up very hot with a jumping stomach and feeling like I had ploughed a field.  Once I was working in the garden I felt better.  Did a huge amount today which included going to Transition School.

Annoyances 20181204

Had a Farm Group meeting today where we talked about the Buddha Garden situation.  It could have been worse.

Feel I haven’t got so much work done today although I have caught up on a few things.  Best things are that I had time to talk to Rajan and I got all my Christmas stuff wrapped up.  My SD card is playing up again and I think this means that I am going to have to take it to be looked at.  I can’t really be without my computer for very long……

I took the picture on Sunday near the pond at sunset.  I love the colours that are so different from the early morning.

Catching up 20181203

Despite going to a meeting this morning I feel I have managed to catch up a bit today.  I did some Christmas letters and thought about some presents so I feel I am catching up.
There seem to be a lot of flowers around at the moment and this is a picture I took of one of them today.

Next job is to re-do the audio guide.  Maybe I can make a start on that tomorrow.

Another video day 20181202

Another Sunday when I spent the whole day doing the weekly video.  I thought at first it wouldn’t take too long, but I find that wanting to get it right, it took a long time.  Once again I didn’t have time to do my Christmas stuff.

I went out at sunset and took this picture by the pond.  I really like it and it was nice to see the sunset light.

Display 20181201

We had a working Saturday morning when I didn’t have to do any picking.  Which meant I had time to do this display for the nursery.  I’ve been wanting to do it for ages and only found the time today.

Sunday 2 December 2018

More grass cutting 20181130

An arty farty picture of the grass cutter that I am seeing a lot of at the moment.  I took this picture at the Udavi School vegetable garden which now looks a lot more tidy now some of the grass has been cut.  If I don’t cut the grass they just dig it up and I hate to see all that bare earth around.

All the vibration is hurting my hands so I think I must try and have a rest from it for a bit.  Since the grass cutter doesn’t seem to be working that well I’ll probably be forced to take a break while it is repaired.

Cutting through the grass 20181129

Had to cut a path through the ever growing grass to the pond today.  Otherwise its like going through the jungle.

Rather pleased with my handiwork.