Sunday 30 December 2018

Sunrise 20181230

As I had got the weekly video completed on Friday and started the New Year video yesterday, I thought I would have a restful Sunday.  But no such luck.  I started early this morning going out for pictures of the sunrise for the New Year video.

As well as completing and uploading the video I spent a lot of time sorting out volunteers.  Am very annoyed that Pierre’s volunteer had been in contact with one of them and hadn’t said anything to me.  Something to sort out tomorrow.  I also had to talk to one of my mentees – someone who wants to become Aurovilian.

I also had another volunteer turn up who was supposed to be with a friend, but he isn’t coming for several hours.  They wanted their own room but we don’t have one right now  so have given him the meeting room above my room for the time being.  I prefer it when people don’t arrive on a Sunday.

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