Tuesday, 29 January 2019

My birthday! 20190128

Had a lovely birthday.  Very busy of course but delighted to see Minori and Wik who met in Buddha Garden and now live in Japan. They were with their daughter who travels around on Minori’s back reminding me of how I used to travel when the girls were very young.

Had a lovely pizza with Pieter and Michael.

Started the process of trying to come to a resolution with Pierre in Buddha Garden.

Reflection 20190127

As we had a day off yesterday I had a bit of time for reflection today.  I cannot see a way through the impasse with Pierre in Buddha Garden – a ‘solution’.

All I can see is a possible way to move toward a solution with the help of others.  Which seems the only thing to do.

Went out and got a series of pictures around the stone circle that I really like.  This one’s my favourite.

Saturday, 26 January 2019

Good job done 20190126

This morning I had to do the sprouts as its Republic day and everyone, including Rajan, is having a day off.  I had to put them somewhere squirrel proof and the only place was this cupboard.  I had to clear stuff out as well as clean it – something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time.

While I was doing it I got an idea for another book.  I cannot understand it.  I am so busy and consumed with all the emotional stuff going on in Buddha Garden and yet I am still having ideas.  Although if the universe wants me to act on them the universe will have to create more time for me!

Udavi harvest 20190125

Was amazed this afternoon to see the size of the harvest from the beds done by Grade 10 at Udavi school.  Suddenly everything seems to be producing despite the fact they have been on holiday for a week.  I’m very pleased.

Vibrant colours 20190124

I couldn’t resist taking more pictures of the kale this morning.  The colours are so vibrant.

New shoots 20190123

Felt bad this evening when I came back from a busy day to be confronted by a group of people wanting to be taken around Buddha Garden.  No way!  I was too tired so I told them to come back tomorrow morning and use the audio guide.

To try and relax I went out to take pictures of the sunset which were not good.  But I like this one (of two) that I took of the plumeria starting to shoot.

Surprise! 20190122

Last night was full moon so I went out to take pictures.  It was MUCH more difficult than I thought it would be.  The only pictures I really liked were ones that just happened by mistake like the one above.  I just thought I would try to see what it would look like if I used flash! I’ve got to read how to do it properly before I try again.

So many difficulties all over Auroville it seems.  Especially in the Farm Group as the meeting today showed. Maybe it’s the full moon……..

Monday, 21 January 2019

Hot feelings on a cool day 20190121

Went to a meeting this morning where hot topics were debated.  Showed how far I have to go to be truly centred amidst such stuff.

I like this picture which I took in response to a picture that someone else was using to talk about jicama and how it can be used.  She used a picture obviously taken from the internet where all the jicama was the same size and colour.  So therefore probably non organically grown. My picture is of our jicama which has much more variety in size, shape and colour.

Birthday boy 20190120

A rather isolating day as the only people I have exchanged a few words with are Rajan and Mani. 

Although I did manage to say ‘happy birthday’ to Pieter who was having lunch in the Visitors Centre.
I got the video done and caught up with a lot of work so that was good.  Got this lovely picture of the birthday boy Sam who is six today.

Here and there 20190119

Another Saturday where I ran from one thing to another all day.

One thing I went to which was really nice was a fair at the Youth Centre to video the Health Cashew Network table there.  Pity I had to cycle to the other side of Auroville to get there.

Friday, 18 January 2019

Back to work 20190118

This morning I went to a meeting that didn’t happen and this afternoon to a school session where no students turned up! The first happened because of my confusion, but I got a SMS reminding me to go to the school session. So I don’t know what happened there.  It was nice to get out after yesterday spent entirely in Buddha Garden.

Very disappointed with a letter from Pierre.  It seems he doesn’t want to change.

I love this picture of Magzhiran taken yesterday.

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Pongal holiday 20190117

Today everything is closed down for Pongal although I can hear the loud speakers from a fair or something like that going on. This morning Magzhiran came to show me his new clothes.   Apparently he spent a long time when they went shopping getting the correct colour!

I’ve spent the day making a video of our Pongal puja on Wednesday and trying to catch up.  Which I never seem to do.

Exotica 20190116

I thought the colours of these plants made them look very exotic in Buddha Garden. It’s a variety of kale that is normally grown in cooler places.  Although as the picture shows, the local bugs seem to think it is delicious.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Pongal puja 20190115

Quite unexpectedly (to me, I thought we were going to do it on Thursday) we had our Pongal puja this morning.  Everyone really enjoyed it.

This has been a much needed catch up day for me.  During this four day Pongal festival time a lot of things get cancelled giving me more time for other things.

Under the neem tree 20190114

When we walked around the farm yesterday we found that someone had broken the fence and put their cows and goats there to graze.  This morning I went to have a look at the fence repair (excellent) and took this picture under the neem tree just by the big pond.

Went to Udavi school garden this afternoon with Mani and we cut and raked up the grass.  Using it to mulch some of the papaya trees and more compost.  When I came back I found a big puddle on the floor of my room.  One of my large plastic carriers had sprung a leak!  Fortunately there was only vinegar in the water which I had put there to clean the carrier.

Monday, 14 January 2019

Yet another busy day 20190113

Another relentless day although not quite so bad as yesterday.  I started very early with the video which I managed to finish, but not upload, before someone came to interview me.  As always I found that quite tiring. This afternoon I had to forgo the planned shopping trip to Pondy with Rajan and Sangeeta.  Someone wanted to bring a new member of the Governing Board to have a look around the farm.  Amongst all that I managed to upload the video and to sort out notes and emails. Thinking about it, its probably best that I didn’t go to Pondy as it would have been full of people doing Pongal shopping.  So probably very frazzly.

Had a lovely pizza dinner with Pieter and Michael but I completely forgot to take a photo.  Instead I have the picture of the shirt and shoes that Rajan bought for me in Pondy as a Pongal present for Palani.

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Relentless day 20190112

Today it was just rushing from one thing to another.  I got up feeling not too good, I think because I hadn’t slept long enough and I was tense about how much I had to do today.  I started off picking 10kg of lettuce, then went to a meeting, then to the Town Hall to get some money.  After lunch I rushed off to take photos of the Healthy Cashew Network table at the Solitude festival.  Unfortunately they weren’t there, presumably because they hadn’t had enough time to get everything together.

The photo is of the festival.  It brought back nice memories of other festivals for me, but is not something I want to do now.  The traffic generated was dreadful.

I finished off with a yoga class which at least helped me calm down.  Although my back muscles did lock at one point.

In need of TLC - Tender Loving Care 20190111

Went and had a look at the cottage and the land around it – now part of the Shambala area managed by Pierre.

It looks badly in need of some TLC.  Have made an offer to Pierre to help him move here.  Waiting to see what he says.

Experimental views 20190110

Took this view at sunrise, which I had never tried before, from behind Ganesha.  I like the way the trees are all in shadow.  I tried a picture with Ganesha in shadow but it wasn’t very successful

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Experiment 20190109

Sometimes I wonder how I manage to have time to work in the garden. Had two school sessions which went OK as well as sorting out one volunteer and her research, extra support for our Newcomer and information to the Health Cashew network about having a table at the Solitude Music Festival.

This picture shows the experiment we are doing growing tomatoes between the bananas.  The marigold plants in the middle of the tomatoes are supposed to keep away the soil nematodes.

Love the picture! 20190108

Somehow I managed to take a lot of pictures before going to a very turgid meeting.  It was lovely to come back afterwards and look at the pictures.  I’m very pleased indeed with the camera which seems to give beautifully clear pictures.

I’ve chosen this picture for today because I love the intensity of the colour.

Talk talk 20190107

Did NOTHING with my camera today as I wanted a rest from it.  Spent a lot of today talking to people.

The picture is of the school session I went to today.  That was taken on my phone.

Busy day 20190106

I finished the video fairly early and even managed to create this poster.  As usual I’d forgotten how to do it on GIMP and had to learn all over again!

I also had a visit from one of my mentees who seems to be doing very well indeed.  She looks much happier now she has moved into her new flat.

Still rather than moving 20190105

Found myself doing a lot of photos today which turned out to be a good thing as everyone now wants a poster about our sprouts. 

Went to Udavi School today with a group that are usually OK but today were rather bouncy and noisy.  The garden is starting to look really good as all the

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Ups and downs 20190104

Had a wonderful yoga session yesterday where I learned lots of different postures I can do for my back. 

Feelings going like a roller coaster as I try to keep my balance in this evolving situation.  Thank goodness for the garden work which keeps my feet – literally – on the ground.

Ongoing 20190103

Decided to buy the new camera that Prabha was selling.  Its better than the original one I bought which I realise was one step up on my mobile phone!  This is one or even more steps up on my existing camera.  I took it out this morning but have obviously got a lot to learn about it.

I don’t want to be the land steward of Buddha Garden any more.  I think its time to pass it on to someone else. I’d rather make videos – or draw.

Process 20190102

I think today was the day when we started putting in motion various processes to try and resolve the situation we have here with Pierre.  There was a meeting to discuss a letter he had sent to the Farm Group and now I have to draft the reply.

It all feels so horrible and conflicting but I have got to face it somehow.  Maybe its something that has to happen to release something else in Buddha Garden.

A really nice thing that happened was that Arjunan and his family visited.  Arjunan was my Aurovilian assistant when I first started Buddha Garden in 2000.

New Year's day 20190101

Had a relatively restful day and got the chance to talk to Rajan which was nice.  This is a picture of all of us after we had been messing around together first thing in the morning.

In the afternoon I went to the Matrimandir and had a walk around the garden.  I felt a great weight on my head as I did so.  It was only as I left I realized the reason for it is that it is so open.  Its all grass and hardly any trees so the sun beats down mercilessly even when it is cool as it was today.

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Relentless 20181231

After all the activity over the weekend with four people arriving to stay, this morning we got all of them to sit down and do their paperwork for registration. 

Busy day as usual although to help my back I decided that I would not do any grass cutting.  I think my back is slowly getting better.