Sunday 30 June 2019

Feeling tired 20190626

Feeling rather overloaded again.  Someone phoned me up wanting me to join an Auroville group.  It sounds very interesting and I said it I would give it a try.  But said I wouldn’t be able to join until after I get back from the UK.  Got a bit of vertigo when I stood up too quickly so felt quite fragile until I had a rest after lunch.  It showed me that I am still on a knife edge and still have to be careful about how much I do and take on.

So many things to do for the books that I hardly know where to start.  Focused on the student book today and am pleased with what I managed to do.  I would really like to blitz the other book so I get to that point where I feel it is written.  Not finished but written. I feel it is almost there…..
Managed to get this good picture of Sivakala for the poster about the cooking course.  Goodness knows when I will get that done.

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