Sunday 11 August 2013


This is the first real picture that I have done on my new graphic tablet and I am very pleased.  Not so much with the actual picture but how in the process of doing it I have learnt a lot of things about creating pictures using this medium.  

I thought the software would be easy to use because I have something similar on my iPad.  Although some things are familiar there are a lot of new things to learn both about how to handle the new tablet and the software.  My hands are aching with the effort of manipulating the pen and the software is still doing unexpected things.

A few days ago I got really frustrated trying to create a picture and decided this was no way to carry on as I could see myself giving up completely if I wasn't careful.  I have invested a lot in the hardware and software and I must learn to do it step by step.  For the next few weeks I will practice with it every day as if it were a musical instrument.

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