Sunday, 31 March 2019

Neem blossom 20190331

Got the video finished and uploaded well before my first visitor came.  He is a Newcomer – someone who wants to become Aurovilian - who I am helping if he needs it.  Later my second Newcomer and her family came.  Its lovely to see how their journeys progress.

Feel at rather a loose end with nothing to do.  Not a bad feeling and I am not going to complain after months of being too busy.

The picture is of neem blossom.  It looks lovely but always brings on an allergic reaction that makes me sneeze.

At the end of the school year 20190330

This is what the Udavi school gardens looked like yesterday – the last session of the school year. 

Had a meeting with two out of three of the rest of the Buddha Garden team.  Although we didn’t take any decisions I felt things loosen up.  This felt even more evident when I heard the third member of the team came to Buddha Garden while I was at Yoga.

I feel we will be able to move forward with what we need to do, especially the building.

Friday, 29 March 2019

A problem with compost 20190329

This picture shows the green material we managed to get together this morning to make compost.  It took us two days to do it!  Everything is very dry and there is very little green material around.  We have had lots of leaves delivered from other communities who are contacting us and asking us to come and fetch the leaves.  But with not enough green it’s a challenge to make compost…..

Last day at Udavi school until the next academic year which starts June 15th.  I’m looking forward to making more videos and writing.

Success! 20190328

At last I seem to have cracked how to grow long bean sprouts.  These tasted delicious and I feel I’ve got the right set up now growing them in terracotta pots.  The packaging is still a bit of a problem as it has to be plastic.  Unfortunately I can’t wrap them up in the banana leaf that I have put them on in the picture.  No one would be able to see them and the package would probably fall apart if it was handled too much.

Had another really good idea for books for children.  My brains feel a bit fiery as a result.

A wave of green 20190327

Had the second day with the students who came yesterday.  Only four this morning as two decided they didn’t want to return.  We planted these maize seedlings and it looked as if a wave of green was coming down the bed.

It doesn’t really show on the photo but the picture reminds me of how it looked.

Phew! 20190326

Felt very hot today and its not even the end of March…..

This morning we had a group of students that I somehow managed to look after as well as doing the sprouts.

Felt ill during yoga until the last ten minutes when I suddenly felt better.  At the same time the arthritis pain in my hand seemed to unlock itself.  A very odd feeling.
I couldn’t find a picture so I went to see what was happening this time last year.  My friend Sylvia was visiting and she fainted because of the heat!  So maybe the temperature isn’t so very different this year.

One school finishes 20190325

Today Rajan had to go and help his father with yet more problems with a family land issue.  There’s been fighting and Rajan got pushed over.  He’s going to be off for at least a week.

This is the last week of the academic year for one of my school programs.  Now we are thinking about next year.  Went to a session this afternoon and after hearing the students say they want to grow strawberries and roses next year I fear they have not learnt very much.  They still don’t seem to know what will and will not grow here.

Monday, 25 March 2019

My spacious space 20190324

Finished the video very early and then had a lovely talk with a Newcomer I am mentoring.  Also had a lovely lunch with a friend.  Now things are a little less busy hopefully I can do this more often.

This last week I have finally taken away a lot of the stuff I cleared out.  So I feel my place is now a lot more spacious.

In the evening I realized that one thing I have done in Buddha Garden is to bring the the place to life.  Which has been deeply satisfying.  I need to align myself with the growth of life and birth of new things whether in the realms of the material or imagination.  I will think of that next time I feel confused about what I need to be doing.

Jackfruit coming 20190323

Got a lot of the video done today. This included going out and taking more pictures of our presently tiny jackfruit.

Went to yoga that had been cancelled.  Grrrrr. Angela told us last week she was going away but I forgot.  I must start doing my own practice again.

Sleep needed 20190322

Was so tired this afternoon I fell asleep and missed my Udavi school class.  Oh dear. As my mother would say ‘You must have been really tired and needed the sleep.’

I did get this week’s video sorted out so can start editing tomorrow.

I took some pictures which included this one of plumeria on the plumeria tree just outside my house which is looking lovely these days.

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Our sunlit path 20190321

Have just got back from yoga aching all over and with pains in my joints and feeling very tired.  It got to 37C this afternoon which is hot for this time of year.

I think I am really burnt out and the yoga class uncovers all of that.  I must just keep tuning in and going where my energy takes me rather than doing what ‘must be done’.  I suppose.  Its difficult when I am so busy but this yoga class has shown me that some-how I’ve got to do it.

I took this picture in Buddha Garden yesterday.  I feel happy just looking at it.

Another visitation 20190320

Kept waking up last night with worry in my mind about the Transition school group that had booked to come this morning.  I can’t think why I needed to worry as I know this group well and have been teaching them for the last year.

They came and I think had a good time.  Hopefully they also learnt something although it is sometimes with this group it is difficult to tell.

Glowing colour 20190319

This was one of those ‘by chance’ pictures.  I just happened to see this where someone was winding a large ball of string onto a stick so it is easier to manage.

The colour seemed to glow and I liked the combination of yellow with orange flecks.  I snapped it quickly for the video I am doing about the rainbow colours in Buddha Garden.

A found picture 20190318

So happy to find this picture!

Somehow I managed to lose some of the pictures and clips that I took of the group visit on Friday.  The clips I lost were mainly of the breakfast and I think I deleted them off the card before they had properly uploaded as there were a lot of them. 

Today though this picture turned up showing the lovely breakfast we had which included some of our micro greens.

Monday, 18 March 2019

Not a day of rest 20190317

I can hardly see as I write this – I think because I have spent nearly all day in front of the computer screen as well as doing a lot of other things. 

We had a group come this morning but before that I got up early and finished the encroachment report.  Rajan and Giri helped me with the group and after that I spent a little time talking to a friend who I haven’t seen for a while.  Then the rest of the day was taken up doing the video and various other jobs on the computer.

Phew! And its Monday tomorrow when the whole cycle will start again……

Relentless doing 20190316

Another rushing around day when I went to Land Board to get maps and to various other places where I didn’t get what I wanted (bread) but had interesting talks with various people.
This afternoon talked with Rajan about things that need doing in Buddha Garden.  Especially a new electricity system for the volunteer cabins so they can have fans.  Had another idea for a book.  I am exhausted with ideas!!

Had another day working on the encroachment report.  The picture is taken from the farm where I went to look at the encroachment. We also looked at several plots of land outside the farm where there is no fencing or people on them.  I’m surprised there isn’t more encroachment than actually happens. 

Goodness knows how I am going to manage to finish this report and create the video tomorrow.

Another busy day 20190315

Started with a group of 34 secondary school students from Reunion islands who came to Buddha Garden for ‘experience’.  In the picture they are turning several piles of grass and leaves into a compost heap.  I am SO pleased to get this done so we have compost ready for the new orchard after the monsoon.

The students were very good and worked in a very quiet and focused way so we got a lot of work done.  I really enjoy this part of Buddha Garden work.

Later I went out to look at some land encroachment near a farm.  Rushed back to write everything up but talked to Emma and Elsie on WhatsApp instead.

Busy day 20190314

Had a Green Group meeting this lunch time which seems to have produced a huge do list and many letters.

Went to yoga but it was cancelled at short notice.  Had a long talk with a volunteer about how my yoga needs to change so it is more gentle.

The picture expresses the inner light I saw within myself last night.  It was in my belly and very, very bright!

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

White waterfall 20190313

Very busy and hot day with two school garden sessions which were mostly used for taking video clips and photos.  I’ve got a lot of video clips to sort out and then I am going to arrange them for the two school videos.

Have organized to do the interviews.  In both cases they are going to come to Buddha Garden where I can sort out the microphone properly.

Got rid of a lot of stuff that I no longer need.  That felt very good.  Came across this beautiful white waterfall of bougainvillea flowers on the way back home via the forest.

Rearranging 20190312

Talked to Rajan about putting cupboard doors on my shelves.  This would stop rats and squirrels getting to them so I could put the sprouts jars there instead of in my cupboard. 

So pleased to have found another cheaper solution.  I found this huge bowl with holes (used for straining rice I think) which goes over the jars and keeps any bugs and animals out.  So can manage without cupboard doors at the moment.

I was able to move everything out of the cupboard to the shelves which gives a lot more room for all the things needed for growing sprouts.  Very pleased with the setup that anyone can use.

Gleaming red 20190311

Now is the time of year when we take up the last of the red chillies and dry them.  I just love the colour and the hot sun makes them gleam.  They really are gorgeous.

I feel there is more space in my life.

Sunday, 10 March 2019

New jars 20190310

Used the new sprouting jars for the first time today and very pleased with them.  They seem much more robust than the others and being smaller are much easier to handle.

Got the video done really early today.  Mainly I think because sorting out the clips as I do them saves a lot of time when it comes to putting the video together.  Sorted out some more of the shelves and this afternoon I cleaned and cleared out my wardrobe.

It is SO nice to have the energy to do these things.  I am sure this is a result of focusing on things that I really want to do and dropping all the ‘must do’s’ that suck my energy and in the end don’t make any difference to what happens here.

Sorted 20190309

Amazed that I found time to make a start on sorting out the shelves that are going to take all the sprout making materials.  This is the shelf where the actual sprout growing will happen.  The shelves will contain all the sprout growing things as well as the store of sprout seeds.

This means that I have a lot of my stuff to deal with and throw away, but I think I will be able to do that.

Have now got to sort out getting some cupboard doors for the shelves as I want something that is squirrel and rat proof.

The devil we know 20190308

Giri goofing around this morning.  We have a lot of fun together.
Very hot today – 36C this afternoon – and this morning felt very dizzy and fragile.  I think I got dehydrated.

Felt much better this afternoon and took back all the cracked jars (that we bought to grow sprouts) to the shop.  Didn’t get the money back as this depends on the manufacturer.  Bought some more (smaller) jars that look more robust and we will see how they work.  I’m going to sort out all the sprout making stuff and make a dedicated cupboard so that I can easily teach someone else how to do it.

Have now detached myself from the Farm Group for the time being.

Thursday, 7 March 2019

A burst of marigold 20190307

Someone shredded some of the marigold flowers we have which we will make into tea.  They really glowed and I felt their colour was supporting today’s events.

Today we all have a meeting together and personal stuff was put aside to get things done.  As a result I feel I can carry on.  It was actually very powerful as I felt that we all managed to align with what needs to be done rather than getting lost in our personal stuff.

I have decided that I will not do anything in the Farm Group and will resign from the jobs that I am doing there.  I will have to go to meetings and do other basic stuff but I will not use my time and energy to get involved in all the politicking going on at the moment.  I want to use it more productively in Buddha Garden and to do my creative work.

More tomatoes 20190306

Had a good time in Transition School garden this morning and love this picture of the tomatoes that some of them picked.  The video clips were better than last time.

Feel very hot 20190305

The weather is getting hotter and I always feel very hot at this time and wonder how I will manage the summer.  Although when summer comes I have got used to it.

I love this picture of three of our helpers in conversation.  Everyone seems to be running away from Buddha Garden at the moment to go and live somewhere else.

Talked together about Pierre and got nowhere.  Feel quite depressed.

Nowhere day 20190304

Went to Udavi School today to get more clips for the video.  I didn’t do a very good job with the clips.  The students seem to go a bit silly when I point the camera at them!  I hope by the end of the week when I have gone to all the classes I will have enough clips.  The picture is of some of the tomatoes at Udavi school that seem some way behind our tomatoes in Buddha Garden.

Spoke to Pierre today and got nowhere.

Close up

Got the video done early and uploaded before lunch.  I think my new way of ordering the clips every day makes it easier when it comes to doing the editing.  Rather pleased with the result.

Wondering why on the inside my focus is turning to creative projects while on the outside it seems things are breaking down so I will once more be on my own in Buddha Garden.  Which means I won’t have time to do anything about the creative projects!  Am I sabotaging myself somehow?

Decided to use the other sunflower picture for today.  I love the little seeds.

Sunday, 3 March 2019

Sunflower with headache 20190302

Every time I see the sunflower with this cloth over its head it makes me think it must have a headache!  In fact I have tied the cloth around the flower to catch the seeds.  Otherwise every parrot in India will be there to have breakfast.

Went to yoga but head was in overdrive a lot of the time with different ideas.  Very exciting but rather exhausting. 

Family of Gourds 20190301

Ever since these gourds have been picked they have been sitting on the wall just waiting to be photographed.  They all came off the one plant so they are a real family.

The weather is noticeably hotter and I have managed to clear out more stuff.