Thursday, 7 March 2019

A burst of marigold 20190307

Someone shredded some of the marigold flowers we have which we will make into tea.  They really glowed and I felt their colour was supporting today’s events.

Today we all have a meeting together and personal stuff was put aside to get things done.  As a result I feel I can carry on.  It was actually very powerful as I felt that we all managed to align with what needs to be done rather than getting lost in our personal stuff.

I have decided that I will not do anything in the Farm Group and will resign from the jobs that I am doing there.  I will have to go to meetings and do other basic stuff but I will not use my time and energy to get involved in all the politicking going on at the moment.  I want to use it more productively in Buddha Garden and to do my creative work.

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