Monday 4 December 2017

Still hard work

Talked to Pierre about the volunteer and he said that he didn’t say ‘yes’ but said they must ask me.  Either he or his volunteer is lying.

Pierre did give me an old Sony smartphone.  Thought I might take it for myself as it’s the right size and my larger one can be donated to the project.  Got it all set up only to break all my nails trying to get the sim card tray out.  Couldn’t manage to do it and as a result it seems to be unusable as a phone which is presumably why Pierre hasn’t used it in three years!

Giri brought his old smartphones and this afternoon I have got three devices working.  My tablet and two Sony devices from Giri and Pierre.  One other device that Giri brought seems to have given up the ghost after I took out the battery.

Very pleased though because this hasn’t cost us anything.

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