Sunday 14 July 2019

An odd experience 20190707

Had an odd experience when I felt that I had to get some things done before I started on the book.  I felt if I did the book first I would be too tired to do these other things afterwards.  But the book was insistent and even although I started doing the other things ideas about the book kept intruding. In the end I couldn’t not do it.

I rewrote and did new illustrations.  And what was wonderful was that I had plenty of energy to do everything else that needed doing.  This included a video as well as a discussion paper.
Maybe its following my intuition that keeps my energy up.  Rather than try to get too organized about how I do the work.  Its great to feel the book has got its own energy now.

The picture is of the new students I saw on Friday with their first experience of planting.

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