Sunday 14 July 2019

First edit completed 20190712

Determined to work on the book today so cancelled the Udavi school session.  Had to do admin work this morning but worked on the book(s) this afternoon.  Realised that because I did not work on the book yesterday I had in some ways lost touch with it.  Just what I didn’t want to do.

Managed to get back into it this afternoon and did first edit on the printed version.  Have changed the title and the title page.  Feel I am getting into the swing again.

Rained last night – enough to have puddles in the ponds this morning.  Feel that the season has turned and the summer rains have started.

Is Auroville the right place for me to do my creative work? When there is so much practical work to do can I be selfish enough to focus on my creative work here?  Is there a better place for me to be?
The picture shows the first water in the pond.

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