Tuesday 20 January 2015

Jyothi farm

This after noon we went to look at Jyothi farm; the new farm which has been given to Buddha Garden to look after. I took a lot of pictures but I thought this one showed best what I feel is going on there.

The place has a very disjointed feel and although everything that is necessary for a farm is there it feels as if they don't fit together very well. Vivek told me that this is what in fact happened. People came to the farm with 'good ideas', Dr Kiren said 'yes' but was too busy to be there to see that things were done properly or that it fitted in with an overall plan. As a result there are quite a few unfinished buildings (including the main house) and a very eccentric layout such as a very wonderful bathroom and toilets (with solar water heater!) being a long way away from where people are going to live. Apparently the place has got particularly run down in the last six months as can be seen in the bananas and paths which are looking very ragged and uncared for.

I don't really know how we are going to run it or what my role will be or even if I have a role at all. Vivek says he is going to work at getting the legal stuff organised with a proper agreement that puts Buddha Garden in charge. We are talking about it in the Farm group tomorrow morning.

I think I will just have to feel my way through on this one.

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