Sunday 18 January 2015

Return of the sun

First day of Pongal when I realised that the embroidery I am doing 'return of the sun' is totally appropriate as this is what the Pongal festival celebrates – the return of the sun after it has gone to its lowest point in the sky. I didn't realise that when I started to do the embroidery.

Went to the Police station today as part of the process to get the death certificate for Kim who died here on Christmas day. Its a complicated process of giving and receiving of bits of paper and I think money is going to have to be used to grease the process.

Wrote a long letter to daughters today and realised that the fact of having the new farm hasn't really sunk in. Also that it is going to be a process to decide how best to use it and that needs to be agreed before I go rushing off anywhere. So rather than worry about my decision about whether to go to the UK or not I have decided not to decide for the time being until things become a bit clearer.

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