Saturday 3 January 2015

Soooooooooooooo tired

I went to my yoga class yesterday and as a result I feel very tired today. I think the yoga is keeping me in touch with my body and how I feel and I am responding to that rather than keeping myself together to do all the 'must do's' in the practical world.

I have been doing some embroidery to soothe myself. This is the start of the piece 'return of the sun' which I really felt this morning which was misty to start off with. I have been trying to think how I might embroider mist......

Someone turned up today to talk about how we can purify the cottage. He said it was quite unnecessary to burn a lot of stuff and that it can be done in other ways. I felt he was somehow sent to me to help me through this period when I am dealing with different ideas about how the purification process can be carried out.

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