Monday 22 October 2018

Ayudha Pooja 20181018

Didn’t sleep very well so got up feeling very tired.  My leg was quite sore and if I put it in a particular position it woke me up.  In the middle of the night there was a very noisy thunderstorm which woke me up and with my sore leg I couldn’t get comfortable to get back to sleep.

There wasn’t much work and it was mainly getting ready for Ayudha Pooja.  Which meant getting all the tools out of the store room and cleaning them.  I did a bit of seed sorting but after that I just had to go and lie down.  My leg seemed to get worse and worse and I think its because I haven’t been able to get any Betadine to clean it properly.  Rajan very kindly got me some when he went to Kuilapalayam and since I have put it on it feels much better.  I’ve got to go and sort out the dogs out tomorrow.

The picture is of our computers at the puja.

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