Monday 22 October 2018

Saturdays 20181020

This is the first Saturday we have worked properly as we recently agreed.  Unfortunately no breakfast as we hadn’t talked to Sivakala and Vasantha did not get here in time.

I am so pleased that we finished the work in the Vaiyu Bhoomi orchard which included replanting 35 trees altogether.  That was replacing trees that had either died because of the heat or got their tops cut off by the grass cutter.  I think there were more of the latter.  We usually leave it until the grass is very long before doing the grass cutting when its very difficult to see the small trees.  I think I will try to get a stick put in beside the small trees so they are easier to see.

This picture is of the ash gourd that was broken in front of the Buddha Garden gate.  It symbolizes breaking up any negativity coming our way.  I felt it was needed!

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