Tuesday 2 October 2018

Using what we have 20180927

Walked around Buddha Garden today with Rajan and was surprised and pleased to see that he has found a use for all our discarded palmyra fruit.  If they aren’t eaten while young they are generally a nuisance as they are difficult to compost.  But Rajan says that the new root shoots are considered a delicacy.  So he has laid them out on the top of the soil and covered with a little earth.

All we have to do is wait about three months for the roots to grow.  Then we cut them and sell them.  According to Rajan the Tamil Aurovilians will love it even if no one else does.

I think the money is now all sorted out as far as the volunteers are concerned.  Went to Transition School to talk about the second year of the garden project that will start on October 10th.

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