Sunday 14 October 2018

Stressed 20181011

I found out last night that the SD card from my camera wouldn’t work and this morning the cable from the monitor to the computer broke. I ended up having to go and see Bobby from whom I bought the  computer, but I forgot to take the SD card with me. I could have taken my broken light to be mended at the same time but I forgot that as well.

Have got to get a lot of money to pay the one year in advance from the Wifi.  Went to get some money and then couldn’t remember the correct PIN number.  Got very stressed about that as its going to be a squeeze to get this money and then not being able to get it when I want it…. What was annoying was that my phone data still doesn’t seem to be working so I couldn’t check on my phone for the correct number.  So it means another journey tomorrow.

I feel I know what stressed out of my mind feels like!  Although eventually the SD card did work and I retrieved all my clips.

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