Sunday 20 October 2019

Hot and shaky 20191012

Went to a new session today which was described as ‘Japanese Chi Kung’ or Goshin Tai So.  I found it very powerful and I think might be just what I need for my eating problems.  Although today I ended up feeling very shaky – doing too much of it I think.  It’s a seven week course after which I will be able to do the whole sequence on my own.

I managed to get the video almost finished and ended up VERY tired.  But it least it means I can have a bit of break tomorrow.  I want to find out how to get to Pitanga via the back paths and I’ve got to do that in the light.

I rook this picture a few days ago and it shows the canopy of trees in the end orchard which we have now taken back from Pierre for our Garden of Unseen Helpers.

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