Sunday 20 October 2019

Thought I'd lost it 20191015

Woke up to rain today which I suppose I should have expected given that most people around here see this as the first day of the monsoon.  Although this was not real monsoon rain as it was very gentle.

I could not find my mac anywhere.  I was very upset as it was quite expensive and I love it as it keeps the wind out in the UK and the rain out here.  So I wear it everywhere I go.  After a lot of looking I eventually found it in my suitcase under the bed.

I had two meetings today, both of which were not very uplifting but didn’t drag me down too much.  No hope of doing any  writing although I did get my posters printed out for the school session this morning.  Went to Grace’s yoga in the evening which was lovely.  First time since I have got back.

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