Sunday, 17 May 2015

Seasonally Yours

This morning I woke up, not only with an idea for a new book in my head, but also a clear idea of what the material will be and how it will be structured.  I haven’t had an idea like this for ages.

The book will be about seasonal produce in Auroville and how to use it.  Initially I will focus on digital content like apps and e-book and maybe a print version eventually.  I am taking back the material that I gave to the Farm group about five years ago but which they never published together with some new material and photographs.  I took over 100 photos today and this is a picture of some very large amaranth plants in the kitchen garden.

I feel so excited and pleased to be writing again.  The book will be called ‘Seasonally Yours – a celebration of seasonal food in Auroville.’

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