Sunday 14 July 2013

A garden in England

Much of today has been spent helping Emma in the house and doing the garden.  The above was a very messy place which I cleared up by digging out all the overgrown plants - mostly spinach.  I then replanted some wild strawberries where the roots had grown through the bottom of the pots as well as two butternut squash which were looking rather yellow around the edges.  I had also bought a capsicum plant which I didn't want to replant as it was already giving quite a lot of capsicum and a chillie plant.  I put the pot of capsicum in the soil of the raised bed and the pot of chillie in the green house where it will be a bit warmer if the weather turns cold.  Finally I covered all the soil with mulch.

I enjoyed myself very much today and I think that Emma was pleased with the results.  It is such a different technique from what I am used to though. Everything comes from a nearby shop including the mulch which comes in a big plastic bag and is supposed to deter cats and slugs.

Once again I am reminded that wherever I go on this earth there will be somewhere for me to take care of the land and grow food.

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