Tuesday 16 July 2013

Smudge tool sampler

Have finally found the time to sit down with my new graphics tablet and find out what it is capable of doing. I used the software that came with it to do the above 'sampler' using the smudge tool.  I had to explain to Rachael what a sampler is.  How, if she had lived in Victorian times, she would have done an embroidery sampler which showed off all the different stitches she could do. Possibly to show any prospective husbands that she had suitable domestic accomplishments.  She should thank her lucky stars that she is living in modern times and could do chemistry instead! This was something similar although I didn't use all possible tools on the smudger and traditional samplers have some lettering - usually something religious or improving rather than just the title as on this picture.

I think it is going to take a while to get used to this tablet and I need to practice and experiment with it.  I am glad that I have at last had time to work with it and its reminded me of just how demanding having a small baby to look after can be.  While I have been with Emma and baby Sam there just hasn't been any spare time to do anything this.

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