Thursday 4 July 2013

Learning to see

I have had a wonderful day today going out with someone called John from the Scottish Wildlife Trust who took a group of us on a nature walk.  He helped us to see so many things, especially things that weren't obvious like small flowers and many different sorts of birds.  He had a wealth of knowledge about the things around us and with him common place things that we take for granted became quite exquisite in the way that they took their place within the wholeness of creation.

I took a lot of pictures and it was very difficult to decide which one to choose for today.  I decided on this one of a little animal that I thought was a harvest mouse but which we later found out was a little shrew.  It was in the middle of the road as we walked to the meeting point this morning where we met the other participants and John.  Bindu's finger shows how small it was. 

It's smallness and beauty exemplified much of what we saw today.

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