Thursday 13 March 2014

A very big hole

This picture makes me laugh as it encapsulates so much of the atmosphere of Buddha Garden.  This morning I sent some of the volunteers to what we now call Jalabhoomi - the place of water - where we have just had the new pond and terraces dug.  They had to fill the tree holes with a mixture of soil and leaves in readiness for planting when the rains come in July.  They also had to start digging some holes that the machine didn't have time to do.

Kevin is a very sweet volunteer who isn't incredibly practical but always tries to do his best.  He had spent most of the morning labouring over this deep hole which is more than we really need for our trees.  Yet it is beautifully dug and ROUND compared to the squarish ones made by the machine.

It really makes me smile to see the way he is looking at his handiwork as if he can't really believe that he did it.  That is what Buddha Garden is all about.  Finding out about what it takes to put food on the table and experiencing and doing new activities and all the while learning about the land and ourselves.

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