Wednesday 19 March 2014

Burnt out

After Holi I had a horrible conversation with Vivek who was very upset indeed by the festival.  He didn't like that a charge was made to come in and thought that the whole thing was really inappropriate.  I then got really upset as well - its not that he is wrong - but I felt that although the idea was correct the way it turned out was really wrong.  I certainly will not do anything like that again.

Not only that, we had a horrible Farm group meeting where it seems the group has completely lost confidence in what I do.  As a result I have resigned from all my representative work.  I am in any case far too sick to carry on.  I can't eat and have a permanent headache and stiff neck.

This picture just reminds me that life carries on and we get beautiful sunsets and the earth keeps renewing herself as the seasons continue.

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