Sunday 9 March 2014

Our new pond

During the last week Kireet has been creating a new pond for us on what we call 'the back land'.  Not only has he built a new pond but he has also made terraces where we can grow amla trees.  I think the best thing though, is a small water course he has made between one pond and another so that we keep all the water on the land.  This is a picture of that water course which goes by a local date tree which is making its first lot of dates this year.  I can't wait for the water to start running although that is several months away.

This work has completely changed the energy of this place which I now want to call 'bhumi samudra' which is Sanskrit for 'land where the water gathers' (I will need to check this with a Sanskrit scholar!).  I think it is going to be really beautiful and already the volunteers are being drawn to the place to sit and meditate there and this before we even planted any trees.

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