Saturday, 31 August 2019

20190821 Gardening and cooking

Have decided that I won’t go to Scotland as its not only expensive but finding a place to stay is difficult.  Feel that I also need to leave Sheffield so Alex and Rachael can be on their own.  Not sure what I am going to do when the Manchester house stay finishes.  A trip to Devon will now be very expensive and even London won’t be cheap.

I feel more confused than ever about my next step both for the next week and generally.  Stomach still bad.

Had a lovely day with Rachael.  I cut the rhubarb which she made into six small rhubarb crumbles.

20190820 House viewing

Spent some time in Rachael’s front garden weeding and cutting down roses and putting all the waste into bags.  I also cut down some stuff that had sprouted out from a tree root and looked as if it had mosaic virus.

We also went to see Chris’s house and I got a feel for what it is eventually going to be like.  Already the insulation and triple glazed windows he has put in make the place feel a lot more cozy.  Once he gets the new foundation in it should be wonderfully warm.  We had a meal together in the evening which was lovely.  Having rice for lunch and dinner has really helped my stomach!

The picture is of one of the original stained glass windows that have been incorporated into the new triple glazed windows.

20190819 Yoga

Had a very nice yoga class at the nearby Heeley Institute.  Just what I needed to stabilize my body although a lot of my muscles burnt during the night.

I arrived early for the yoga and picture is one of several I took of the nearby park that I walked around while waiting.  The Rowan trees in are very colourful.

Earlier in the day I weeded the back garden.  Got to make a start on the front one tomorrow.

20190818 In Sheffield

Had a lovely family get together this afternoon in a nearby community space.  I feel much better than I did this morning when my stomach griped a lot and I felt my stomach was burning.
I said very firmly to Sue that ‘I have to look after myself’ and that seems to have loosened something inside me.

The picture is of the coffee shop where I sat and talked with Shruthi just before I left for Sheffield yesterday.

20190817 Walking around in South Brent

Woke up very gently this morning with my stomach feeling a lot better and no sign of having a cold.  I think being in a dryer place really helps.  Its good to see how Shruthi looks after herself and I think I need to take note about how I can look after myself better.

We had a really lovely day walking around.  Shruthi showed me the first place where her new housing co-op was supposed to be built.  It was really good but there were too many people objecting for it to pass.  They have now found another place which doesn’t have quite such good views but which they think will pass.  Its got a lot of cows there at the moment.

The picture is of the entrance where Shruthi helps make compost for the village on Sunday mornings.  They ask people to bring their garden waste, make it into compost and sell it for GBP1/bag.

Went to a local farm/coffee shop before going to Totnes and getting the train to Sheffield.  Stomach bad again so didn’t eat very much.

Arrived after 10.00pm so glad to get to bed as I felt very tired.

20190816 Rain

I had  a very disturbed night.  My stomach griped a lot and I was up and down all night.  Despite that I started very early to get the bus.  I found the train station all right this time and didn’t need too much help from the map.  I think I unconsciously learnt a lot about Exeter from walking around it that first time.  Shruthi picked me up from the station when I arrived at Totnes which I was very pleased about as by then it was raining hard.

Has rained ever since and I have had a really good time on my own in Shruthi’s house.  Its given me enough time to sort out my emails and write up this diary.  My stomach feels much less gripey and although I still feel rather cold I don’t feel so withdrawn.

Had a great evening out with Shruthi and had my first English beer!

Another day without a picture.

20190815 Swimming and roasting

Sun was shining although with what I feel as quite a breeze I have been feeling cold all day.  I think I may be getting a cold from Elsie.  First we went to a swimming pool which was outside but heated.  Then we had a walk around the nearby village and lunch in a restaurant.  After which we went to the warehouse of a model maker which was very interesting with lots of models of lots of things.  Especially liked were the various dinosaurs, unicorns, cars and bikes.

Later we lit a fire and roasted marshmallows which were very much liked.  I felt very cold and got a bit withdrawn.

20190814 Along the river

Had another lovely walk today along the river.  This was much easier than yesterday’s walk as it was more or less level along its length.

Later I was supposed to be entertaining the children but Emma had forgotten to bring the drawing books that I made for them.  They seem to entertain themselves pretty well and don’t seem to need my help at all.  They had a great time painting each other’s toe nails.

20180811 On the river

Had a lovely time at the family get together on  boat on the river and broads.  It was a very peaceful journey on the water and lovely to see and be able to talk to everyone.

20190812 Long walk

Went for a long walk in the woods and fields.  There were some steep and some muddy bits but it was beautiful.  All the children did extremely well and there was no whining about how difficult it was.

Have felt very peaceful especially as everyone seems to be getting on OK together.

20190813 got there eventually

What a day! Got off fine to catch the train in London but went to the first station by bus and got held up because of a diversion on account of a fire in a block of flats.  Then got held up again at Paddington station where I got onto the underground.  I missed my train by about two minutes.

Found out afterwards that I could have changed the time of the train and saved some money.  As it was I had to go back to Paddington and get another cheaper ticket from there.

Arrived quite early compared to everyone else so decided I would get a bus from Exeter to the hostel.  Spent ages in Exeter getting lost and trying to get the right bus.  I walked and walked pulling that wretched bag everywhere.

Eventually made it and very glad to see everyone.  Especially as there was a meal ready when I arrived.

Perhaps not surprisingly I don't have a suitable picture that encapsulates all those adventures.

Saturday, 10 August 2019

Water and gardens 20190810

As it was so windy the family boat trip was cancelled.  Instead went out with 6 of the family to a ‘water park’ and garden.  Had a lovely walk although it was a bit chilly and of course very windy.  But it didn’t rain and we had a really good time together.

I particularly liked seeing my nephew Stephen and his girlfriend.  Talking to him I somehow got some things straight in my head.

I like this picture taken in the gardens of seats for gazing up at the trees.  I think they would make a good addition to the Garden of Unseen Helpers.

Roman wall 20190809

Everyone has gone out and I am sitting here on my own and enjoying the quiet of my brother’s house.

Have just found out that the powers that be in Auroville now want drawings of our building work.  I think I will be lucky if the building work is able to start before I get back! Am starting to think seriously about what I will do if that is the case.  Shall I go to Findhorn???  Or somewhere else????

Wouldn’t mind going to Australia….. Will just have to wait I guess and see how things develop.

With Chris went for a lovely walk to the site of a Roman city that was the capital of Norfolk during the 3rd/4th century.  Not much of it left except some walls.  Beautiful vistas though and interesting that the city was the size of present day Auroville.

To Norfolk 20190808

Went up to Norfolk today in lovely weather that wasn’t too cold.  Am staying at my brother Andrew’s very peaceful house.  Spent the afternoon just sitting and talking.  Very pleasant but I feel oh so tired.  Realize I have only been in UK for just one week.  So much has happened that it feels as if I have been here for much longer.

The picture is of Andrew's sun lounge which is a fabulouse place to sit when I'm feeling cold.

Eltham Palace 20190807

Had a really fabulous day today at Eltham palace.  This involved a journey via Mottingham station (never heard of it before) which is out towards Bromley.  We got a bit lost getting there and walked a long way around through a lovely footpath with lots of blackberries.

The place itself was extremely interesting.  I felt quite overwhelmed by the size of the rooms which were at least four times the size of the room where I live.  While reviewing my photos I realized that I had forgotten to take a photo of the very impressive entry hall.  I do miss my camera.

A restful day 20190806

I love this picture of the sun on the leaves of a plant in the room where I am staying.

Walked to Portobello Road but not very much activity as its Tuesday and everyone is away on holiday.  Lesley spent the afternoon in the garden while I read and watched a film.

Stomach still a bit upset but much better than yesterday.  We got the tickets to go to Eltham Palace tomorrow.  I want to have a good look at all their digital guides.  Have sorted all my stuff (again!!) ready to go to Norfolk on Thursday.

With friends 20190805

Had a really lovely day today.  First of all I walked to the Westfield Centre and sorted out the old ipad I had been given.  Its gone for recycling as even the Apple shop couldn’t refurbish it.  I then went and walked some more but eventually got a train where I went to Hammersmith.  Here I met Lesley and Ginny and we had a lovely lunch followed by a walk along the Thames.

Had a busy evening with a carpenter who came to mend the curtain rail and another friend of Lesley’s son who came to stay.  Had the most ghastly diarrhea just before I went to bed.  I think the very diverse diet with too many strawberries and cherries is having an effect.

Fulham Palace Gardens 20190804

Had a lovely day out with Lesley at Fulham Palace.  The house and gardens were really interesting.  The picture is of the knot garden.

I feel as if I am having some time out from all my usual worries and concerns.

Saturday, 3 August 2019

To London 20190803

Saw Emma and the children before she went to see Sue and Dennis.  They loved having second breakfast at Amanda’s!

When I arrived in London Lesley and I had a bit of a problem meeting up but eventually found each other.  Train came in on a different platform to that stated and so there were a lot of lost looking people milling around looking for each other.

Good conversations and a lovely lunch in an Indian restaurant.  Followed by a rest as I am still feeling a bit tired.

With the grandchildren 20190802

Had a lovely day with Sam and Elsie with Emma pointing out how they just accepted me without losing a beat.  The picture shows them shopping with Sam scanning the items as we got them.  He’s a good little technocrat already!

Had a really nice time teaching Sam the recorder and Elsie how to use scissors. We also went to the park.  I also had time to sort out all my stuff as I don’t want to be carrying everything all over the UK.

Off to London tomorrow. 

Flying day 20190801

After an extremely restless night managed to get up in time and get myself together to go.  We were late flying out from Chennai so didn’t have time for my usual wander around the gadget shops in Dubai airport.

Amanda was there to collect me at the airport which was lovely.  Especially as the terminal where I landed was not the terminal on my ticket.  Very glad to eventually see my bed after 24 hours continuous traveling.

Ready to go 20190731

Managed to have a fairly lazy day today thank goodness with a good rest this afternoon.  Bags are packed and everything is ready so tomorrow at 3.00am all I have to do is get up and go.  As usual I am very nervous and hope that once I get going it will be OK.

Started packing 20190730

Usually by this point I am panicking about how I am going to get everything in my bag.  This time I have managed to get everything in my bag and I am panicking about whether I have forgotten anything!

Getting things done 20190729

Continued to get things done ready to leave.  Have told Rajan he will have to get Vasantha to clean everything because I will not have time.

Am having horrible nights.  It feels like something is biting me but I can never see what it is.  The itch afterwards is really excruciating and stops me sleeping.  I wake up feeling like I have been ploughing a field.

Busy 20190728

Felt really busy with lots of odds and ends to do before I go away.  First thing I had to clear out two ants nests in my clothes cupboards.  Horrible messy job and I hope they haven’t got anywhere else.  Maybe I should put down the anti ant stuff before I go.

Finished the weekly video and started the one about making the garden of unseen helpers.  Would like to do one more before I leave but it will have to be quick and easy as I’m short of time.  Don’t have any inspiration at the moment but maybe something will occur to me tomorrow.  If I do the extra one then I’ve more or less covered the weeks while I’m away.

Had a meeting of the BG team and although we agreed that we need to clarify some of the finances this won’t be possible for a few days.  Ah well.

Feeling drained 20190727

Today showed me that I really do not have the energy either to talk to people or write about things that are not to do with my writing.  We had a group of farmers come this morning.  All very nice people but after talking to them I felt drained and frazzled.  Then I sat down and spent 20 minutes writing a finely crafted letter about some point I was making about Auroville’s building processes.  Only to feel it was a complete waste of time and not at all what I wanted to do.

Went out to a lovely lunch with Mani and Suanne.  Then almost finished the weekly video and scheduled two others.  Very pleased.

The picture is for the next video about making the garden of unseen helpers.