Saturday 2 November 2019

Diwali 20191027

Had a nice relaxing getup time after waking up with all the posters for the Garden of Unseen helpers in my mind.  I must have worked it out in my sleep.  Its nice hearing the Diwali crackers going off a long way away rather than just up the road in the village.

Found it very difficult to work this morning and only settled down after I had been for a walk.  It was good to see how my brain and body connected and how It really cleared everything.  Have had to use two different software to do the posters.  One is really complicated and it has been tough going.  But I have ended up with some posters I really like and I think I am gradually getting faster.

The picture is of the very strong image I had yesterday during Goshin Tai So.  Its an important message and no wonder I want to wear read all the time.

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