Saturday 2 November 2019

Heartworks 20191026

Went to Goshin Tai So – very powerful.  I had a very strong image of my heart and small intestine.  My heart looked very battered what with the bruises it has felt over the years and the darn in it (mended by a spider)from when it was broken after Peter died.  Despite the battering it continues to work and I see what I have to do is to allow it to receive more energy.  Which is what I think the Goshin Taiso is going to enable me to do.

After finding where the rubbish went and emptying the bins I finished the video despite getting a bit cross with it at times.  It took a long time to upload.  Probably because with Diwali a lot of people were using the internet.  Now I have two days of ‘holiday’ but I bet I find work to do.

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