Monday 14 October 2013


Art is another person I am writing about at the moment.  Once again it is a picture that just came.

Writing the story is interesting as I have got to the point where it seems that an actual narrative is arising.  But it is very slow and I am lucky if I can manage 500 words a day.  Sometimes it seems too slow to carry on, but I find if I plug away over time something does seem to come through.  Its the only way I can do it at the moment and perhaps the worst thing is not knowing whether it will ever develop into anything worthwhile which for me means something that other people might want to read.....

I don't seem to have huge amounts of energy for it.  I don't feel there is a story there that I absolutely have to tell because it is important.  I don't seem to have that driving energy to do it yet every day it seems important to work on it a little bit more.  To reveal a little bit more of the story.

For what? I don't know but at the moment it seems more for the satisfaction of completing it rather than that I have anything significant to say that anyone else would want to hear.

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