Friday 18 October 2013

At the centre of a whirlwind

It started with Kireet turning up early to start digging the water catchment pond at the back of Buddha Garden.  I was very surprised because although we have sorted out the financial details I thought he would want to wait until there is more rain, but apparently the soil is fine for digging.  Pierre and I had to run down and lay out markers to show where we wanted the pond and terrace and during the day I have been up and down discussing various aspects of the digging activity.

Because of that, immediately after work finished I had to go and sort out the money we need to pay for it.  This meant going to Financial Services and having various conversations with people about how to get a donation into our account.

I was also surprised to see two people turn up to finish digging the holes and eventually plant the fruit trees on the new land.  They have done the holes and quite a bit of clearing work, but Vivek wants to crack on with the composting and planting.  While I was expecting that we would finish this with volunteers next week.  It has rained in other parts of Tamil Nadu where he has been working and he wants to get all the planting done before it rains here.

With all this going on it has felt as if I have been at the centre of whirlwind.  Particularly as although these are all projects in which I have been involved, suddenly they have their own very strong energy for completion.

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