Thursday 17 October 2013


I had a very clear dream last night, although when I say 'clear' I mean that there were a lot of clear images, not that the meaning was clear.  This took me a bit of time to work out.

The dream was saying that I am incubating something, which could be a range of things from my book, pictures or something in Buddha Garden or even, I suppose, something else of which I am not aware right now.  I am working on a lot of things at the moment which require me to work steadily, a bit at a time, although in most cases it is difficult to see what the final result will be.  Or whether the result will be anything more than the collection of things that I am doing day by day.

I think when the time comes there will be a strong energy which will show me what needs to be done.  In the meantime I must carry on doing what I am doing while hold what is incubating in my heart very closely.  

This is what I wanted to express in the picture.

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