Saturday 12 October 2013

Chickens are out!

We had some new chickens delivered yesterday and today a lot of them managed to get out of the pen!  They are quite small and managed to get through holes made in the rusting metal fencing around the bottom part of the pen.  The first time we looked for where they might have got out we all thought it must be through the cotton netting that covers the roof and the top half of the pen.  We did find two or three holes but this isn't where they had been getting out.  The larger chickens that we have had for some time now don't seem very interested in getting out and in any case are too large to go through the holes in the pen.

The new chickens were very nervous and skittish because of the move and then being chased around made them even worse.  There were several break outs and it took a long time to get them all back in again.  Rajan has mended the holes but I think we are going to have to have the whole pen renewed. I don't think this is going to be cheap, but we will have to do it. 

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