Tuesday 29 October 2013


I felt really disappointed when the third volunteer told me she was leaving this evening.  In the last week or so we have had three women come - all of whom had contacted me beforehand  - who have stayed two nights and then gone on to somewhere else.  All of them have complained of it being too lonely and that they don't feel safe.  But of course, if no one stays around there will never be anyone here!!!! They don't seem to want to create something here, but perhaps that is too much to expect them to do.

I tried to do a drawing of what happened today but just didn't have the energy, I think because it is the end of a busy day - vegetable group meeting and yoga -  and I feel tired.  All I could manage were the grey clouds that seem to be drifting around here at the moment.

What surprised me, however, was the green that I wanted to put in the clouds.  So perhaps out of these experiences something new and hopefully positive will grow.......

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