Sunday 20 October 2013

Pond after rain

I was woken up in the early hours of this morning because of a very intense rain storm.  This is what the new, unfortunately unfinished, pond looked like.  The water in the part of the pond that is finished looked really beautiful and of course after the rain it felt clean and cool.

I was surprised at how the water seems to have been running as there is a big puddle in front of where we have piled up the earth to make a terrace.  From what has happened in previous years I would have thought that water from that area should drain into the pond.  I will have to see if Kireet has got an explanation for what has happened.

I expect we will have to wait a few days before we can start work again, as it is probably too soft and muddy for the JCB to work.  I, however, extremely pleased that we are having this work done now.

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