Friday 14 February 2014

Over a hump

It was a difficult day today which - in the end - turned out all right.  I spent the work time being really worried about having to go to the negotiation and when I got there one person hadn't turned up.  This meant that the negotiation couldn't take place but it gave the three of us who were there a chance to share our concerns.  It was a good discussion where we focused on the most positive way of moving forward and I came away feeling much lighter.  I have to accept people as they are and where they are try to support the positive rather than the negative. I think we came up with a good way to do this.

The picture is of Sam who I think has been having his own little hump but this - we think - is probably involving his back teeth coming through.  He keeps waking up at night so poor Emma is involved as well.  But in the picture he looks happier so hopefully he is making his way through it.

I had a lovely time in the evening when I went shopping for a new pillow and chappels and then had a birthday meal with Pieter and Michael.  Delightful.

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