Sunday 16 February 2014

Sooooooooooo tired!

I have got to the point where I have been forced to stop.  Yesterday I worked very intensively doing extra notes for one of the regular meetings I go to as well as plethora of other things that needed doing.  Then I went to yoga where we did some very energetic moves where I pushed myself far too hard.  At the end of the lesson I felt so dizzy I had to get a taxi back because I was too dizzy to ride my bike.  The whole week has been very busy and with two late nights I guess it was just too much for me.

Once I got back I didn't feel too bad, but today I have felt very fragile.  I worked this morning and tried to get a rest this afternoon, but didn't really manage it.  Sri turned up with her baby and I didn't have the energy to really deal with her.  She felt depressed to me and kept talking about how she can't feed either herself or her child and wants to get a job.  I just felt overwhelmed by her and don't know the best way to help.  

As I write this I feel soooooooooooooo tired.  I have started taking vitamin B and ashwaghanda and this next week will try to get to bed by 8.00pm every night.  Or at least stop work by then and spend an hour or two reading or doing something very quiet.  In a few weeks time I will try to get a weekend away as its the only way I get a complete rest.

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