Monday 10 February 2014

Some lovely colours and shapes

I feel it has been a relentless day of hard work.  I didn't go to my dance class because I didn't see how I could fit it in.  

It was nearly sunset when I was looking around for a picture and I just couldn't think of anything.  Then when I went across to get my food from the fridge I noticed the colours and shapes of some of the lettuces we are growing. They looked very interesting and beautiful.  I rushed back and got my new tablet (my camera doesn't work anymore) and there was just enough light to take a few pictures.  

It wasn't the best conditions to take pictures, especially with the tablet which only has a very basic camera.  Not surprisingly the pictures didn't do justice to the shapes and colours, so that will have to wait for another day, better light and more time.  Although whether I will be able to have all those things any time soon remains to be seen. 

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